
Guns and Gun laws

  • I love guns, will not stand for stricter gun laws

    Votes: 46 67.6%
  • I have guns and I do not mind stricter gun laws

    Votes: 10 14.7%
  • I do not have guns and do not care about stricter gun laws

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • I do not have guns and want stricter gun laws

    Votes: 3 4.4%
  • I own a gun and have a CCL

    Votes: 20 29.4%
  • I own a gun and do not have a CCL

    Votes: 11 16.2%

  • Total voters
With all the stuff going on about guns. I was wondering what percentage in our community is pro gun or anti gun.

NOT LOOKING FOR WHY ONE WAY OR ANOTHER....... Just what percentage

Please do not go on rants about it one way or another.

If you own a gun a please answer the bottom 2 questions.

The poll is privet and no one can see what you selected.
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the CCL part is kinda lame on the Poll, its damn near impossible to get one in some places:grayno:
I've had a CCL since I was 18, Mom was a cop, and I knew the chief of my town. This was back when Mass has three types of licenses (techically 4)

1. FID (Firearms ID) for Rifles, could be carried in an unshootable state for heading to target/hunting areas.

2. Target (Pistols) same as above.

3. Protection (life only) was a CCL but could only pull the weapon on threat of the endangerment of life (yours or other)

4. PLP Protection of Life or Property, basically you could pull the weapon if somethreatened your (or others) life, or threatened to take property.

I had the PLP and only had to draw my weapon once, Someone was breaking into my house at 22, he opened the door to a great suprise, I was aiming at his head with a Desert eagle .50 cal... I only had to say 8 words, "On the ground now or die! Your Choice..."
Just ordered another AR to add to the collection!:D
Tried to get a 80% Lower also but back ordered until march.:sigh:
Orange County is really almost impossible to get your CCW. Its best to get a few letters of recommendations and a good reason why you want it. Then it can take 6 to 8 mos to get an answer from the sheriff's. Pain in the A$$!!!:icon_crazy:
San Diego will not issue you a ccw except in certain circumstances and then it would only be for short period of time! Now in Kern County I heard they'll give them out.
It's incredibly easy to get a ccw in Iowa. All you have to do is take an online course which takes about 15min & turn in your certificate of completion to the sheriff
In Nevada you just check the box at the DMV while applying for you DL and state whether you want a CCL or not. :idontknow:

I'm kidding BTW.
I don't really count for the poll, I have all long rifles and scatter guns, no pistols, we would be up the creek without a paddle if we used them to defend ourselves here so I see no need for me to own a pistol. My wife is law enforcement and would like her to get herself one for practice to stay sharp.
San Bernardino County is incredibly easy. I ha one at the age of 21. Just have to have a reason. Only took about 2 months to process.
(disclaimer- not a rant just wordy :) )Well I'm in TX and we are still a bunch of gun toting Cowboys for the most part. I have a few hand guns and a few rifles. I hunt when I can and I'm a member of a shooting range. I take my kids out with me and teach them proper gun safety and how to shoot. They know the difference between what you see in the movies and real life ie. the truth of what an actual gunshot sounds like and what it does to that which is shot vs. the romanticized Hollywood gun fight. (we don't play violent video games or watch horror flicks either)

I don't have a CHL (concealed handgun license) but in the wake of these last few shootings I have seriously considered getting one. I find myself continually scanning crowds and looking for areas of cover in case some wacko should suddenly appear. I've tried to educate my kids about what bullets can and can't go through (in regards to where to hide) and talk to them about what to do and how to stay alive if someone ever comes into where they are and starts shooting.

As far as guns and laws go I'm not sure what a good solution is. I honestly don't feel like stricter gun laws will help with the kind of acts of violence we have seen recently. I don't think the media helps... If a low capacity mag law comes out (which it probably will) that just means the mags will fit better in the pockets of the criminals and they can carry more mags IMHO.

Here is a good link to the FBI Homicide page.

But I digress... :thinking: :naw: :crazyeyes:
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Im from Indiana and it takes a app online $84.95 for the fingerprinting and then $50 for a local fee, and its been getting pretty bad here the robberies have shot up and they have been getting more violent and braizen with efforts. I believe education helps people not be afraid, and I go to any gun store and buy an AR for cheap. Most anyone with common sense doesnt get all excited about stricter gun laws here. I am former military so I grew up on guns in the house and took gun saftey classes throughout my childhood. I hope everyone understands what stricter gun laws would do to the average joe that doesnt make $30,000 a year and thinks about someday getting a conceal and carry.
low capacity mag law.

CAL. Law states, I can only use mags that hold 10 rounds witch is fine with me. I am not sure how they will stop what happened in Cont. from happening somewhere else. I know for me I will be a little more focused on people around me. I really hope I never see what happened last week, happen again in my life time. Very sad!:grayno: Hope this makes sense!:twocents:
Please do not go on rants about it one way or another.

If you own a gun a please answer the bottom 2 questions.

If you post up a thread about gun laws know that someone will rant. People are very passionate about the topic no matter what side of the debate they are on.
As far as the poll goes I did not vote as none of those questions apply to me or how I feel about things.
Not in California. Even as a former LEO. I dont think I could get one :grayno:

As mentioned... CCW's are easy to obtain in Kern County. I don't know the exact stats, but I'm pretty sure that Kern County issues the most CCW's in California on an annual basis.

I've recently looked into obtaining one, and because I'm on call 24/7 and report to remote areas without cell reception, I can get one. At least that's what I've been told, I haven't applied yet though. I need to though... before all of our gun rights are stripped.
I have multiple guns and wish I had a CCL but like said above, its near impossible.

And all I will say about the stricter part, guns don't kill people, people kill people.
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