Grapes & Grub

Well be coming out of the East Bay (Dublin). Maybe we can catch up with the Benicia/Antioch group at some point and join the caravan! :)

Can't wait guys! My wife and I have something to celebrate too... We signed papers on a house this week!!!!!
Well be coming out of the East Bay (Dublin). Maybe we can catch up with the Benicia/Antioch group at some point and join the caravan! :)

Can't wait guys! My wife and I have something to celebrate too... We signed papers on a house this week!!!!!

Awesome, let's do it! Congrats on the house!!
Well be coming out of the East Bay (Dublin). Maybe we can catch up with the Benicia/Antioch group at some point and join the caravan! :)

Can't wait guys! My wife and I have something to celebrate too... We signed papers on a house this week!!!!!

Yea congrats Morgan, when's the house warming party :D

Awesome, let's do it! Congrats on the house!!

I have to wait for my sister and boyfriend to get here, they'll be watching the kids overnight. They should be here before 9am so fingers crossed we'll be on the road at 9am and Nav says just less than 2 hours.
Yea congrats Morgan, when's the house warming party :D


Maybe July 4yh weekend! We close 2nd week of May, but are planning a full kitchen remodel. Hoping to move in last week of June. If all goes according to plan, we'll get everyone down for Suds & Grub at Casa de ERAU! :)
i think everyone else's excitement as gotten me more excited. let alone the normal crazies, having new people join along and learn about wayalife, cant wait! even getten stewburner's winch and bumper put on tomorrow to show off this weekend
What time does the caravan figure on passing through Napa? The winery says it's 1 hour 5 mins from my house and I can pick up the caravan on the turn to Sonoma at 10ish if you think you will be passing this way?
Since this is our first Grapes and Grub, what do we need to bring? I saw a mention of a picnic. Will we simply be buying all food there, or should we be bringing some of our own food?

Can wait guys and gals! See y'all tomorrow! :)
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