GraniteCrystal build thread

That's awesome. Just make sure it's really clean if you're in bear country before putting it in the jeep at night.
Cool grill!

As far as bears go, they are pretty skilled at finding food items. I seal up my grill and cooking stuff (after being wiped down) in a sealed 5 gallon bucket; including cast iron that never gets washed. I leave it outside the Jeep near the fire overnight and have never had problems in bear country.

The actual food items get bear bagged up in a tree outside of camp.
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That gun mount looks awesome. How did you do the rivets?

As far as bear scent, I've heard rumors that their scent is about 10x stronger than a bloodhound's. Growing up in the mountains, we had crazy stories from neighbors about damage bears did. One guy had a bear bust his metal garage door and tear into a meat freezer. Another dude woke up to a car alarm going off, bear had shut itself in the guy's car. He had left a fast food wrapper on the floorboard. Car was totaled.
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