DIY vented inner fenders. I'll write this as a how-to, but it's hardly novel, so I'm not planning on making a separate thread for it. I trimmed my fenders a few weeks back, leaving off the inner fenders. I'd love to eventually get some aluminum, vented ones in there from Ace, Artec, or Crawler Conceptz but this is a low cost (free) alternative that covers up the innards of the Jeep and gives some venting.
Drill and drill bit of choice
4 zip ties or 2 long ones
Socket wrench and 10mm socket
Step 1: cut them
Depending on how you cut your fenders, you'll trim yours to fit. Here is a pic of mine with the blue tape showing approximate location of my cuts.
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The jigsaw is the perfect tool for the job
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The pieces I cut off
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Step 2: drill them
I chose a 7//32 drill bit and in retrospect I wish I had gone larger. I think something more like 3/8" would do well. Each side takes about 20 minutes to do. Pro tip: use a high speed on your drill and just rapid fire poke holes in it. The plastic cuts smoother the faster you go, just be careful you don't drill a hole in your hand.
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Make a nice pattern over this portion of the inner fender
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Step 3: reattach it
Use your socket wrench and 10mm socket to put this female threaded bolt back on (hope you kept it from when you took these off!)
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Put some plastic push pins back in wherever you can. I was able to do 4 on each side based on my cuts: one at the front of the Jeep and 3 across the top
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I added one more attachment point at the bottom of the fender liner. Drill a hole big enough for a zip tie and zip tie it to the body mount. At this point, it's on there solid.
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Finished product
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and here are some before and afters:
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View attachment 252152
Retrospective notes:
I don't think the drilling the holes is going to make much of a difference for venting. Here you can see a large open area where heat can escape anyway.
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If I did it again, I'd probably use a larger drill bit, as previously mentioned to do bigger holes. Maybe even up to 1/2".