Got a Vin Number

US Customer Care e-mailed me yesterday and stated my Jeep will arrive 11/29/2021. Good to have a target date to look forward to.
I placed my order for my Willys in mid June, I got my VIN on the 16th of this month. :(
I knew 3 weeks was a pipe dream. If yours is not due to late November... I do not want to even think about when mine will be here, I guess next year.
A gentleman on another forum checked the status of my Willys for me and it was loaded on a carrier Thursday afternoon. It’s 612 miles from Toledo to Williamsburg so I’m hopeful it will be here early next week. My order was placed with the factory on July 15th with a vin assigned around July 30th. If I see it early next week it will be approximately 46 days or 6 plus weeks start to finish.

theexpozay, keep the faith brother as it happened (in my case) far faster than predicted. Can’t explain the time from order to vin in your case unless it has to due with dealer allocation. One thing for sure is the factory has accepted the order and they are going to build it. With your vin any dealer can tell you where you are in the process. Good Luck
A gentleman on another forum checked the status of my Willys for me and it was loaded on a carrier Thursday afternoon. It’s 612 miles from Toledo to Williamsburg so I’m hopeful it will be here early next week. My order was placed with the factory on July 15th with a vin assigned around July 30th. If I see it early next week it will be approximately 46 days or 6 plus weeks start to finish.

theexpozay, keep the faith brother as it happened (in my case) far faster than predicted. Can’t explain the time from order to vin in your case unless it has to due with dealer allocation. One thing for sure is the factory has accepted the order and they are going to build it. With your vin any dealer can tell you where you are in the process. Good Luck
I'm glad to hear you got the information regarding the status on your Jeep but was it really necessary to say that you got it from "another forum"? In spite of what you may think, this forum is run by and paid for by my wife and I. It is the reason it is small and has the feel that it does and it is also why we aren't anywhere as big as the multibillion dollar mega corporate forum that you got your information from. I realize you meant no harm by adding that bit in there but hope you can also be understanding of how it kind of sucks to essentially have you tell people here that better information and people can be found elsewhere.
Mr. and Mrs Ho, let begin by saying in no way was I slandering or short selling the wayoflife forum. If it came across that way I do apologize. My sole purpose was to give theexpozay a real life time line for Jeep build/delivery. I have been a follower of your vids and give you 👍 and positive reviews always. I do feel if you felt you needed to dress me down an off line message would have been preferred.
Mr. and Mrs Ho, let begin by saying in no way was I slandering or short selling the wayoflife forum. If it came across that way I do apologize. My sole purpose was to give theexpozay a real life time line for Jeep build/delivery. I have been a follower of your vids and give you 👍 and positive reviews always. I do feel if you felt you needed to dress me down an off line message would have been preferred.
"Dress you down"? LOL - I do apologize if that's how you took it but that was not my intent. As I stated, I know you meant no harm and said as much. All I asked was if it was really "necessary" to include the bit about getting your info on "another forum"? And, while I did say that it kinda sucked, I did explain why and I thought, in a polite manner. Of course, this only after saying that I was "glad" to hear you got the update you were looking for.
Mr. and Mrs Ho, let begin by saying in no way was I slandering or short selling the wayoflife forum. If it came across that way I do apologize. My sole purpose was to give theexpozay a real life time line for Jeep build/delivery. I have been a follower of your vids and give you 👍 and positive reviews always. I do feel if you felt you needed to dress me down an off line message would have been preferred.
You can give him real life info without saying “from another forum”. It’s easy. Watch. “I got the status of my Jeep and it was loaded on a trailer on Thursday”

Pretty easy.

And Eddie’s is Oh not a ho as you called him.
Wow, I did not mean to stir up a hornets nest! :) I am grateful for any intel I can get. For the record I like it here because it is small also I rather enjoy the videos and recommendations.

With any luck VA Beach Hall automotive will give me a ring soonest and I will have my baby. I just want to be able to drive it top and doorless for awhile before I have to winterize it. (not that we have much of a winter)
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