Gladiator Rear End Repaired & Trimmed

that actually looks a lot better and something the engineers should have considered in their design. Sometimes it's better to remove some instead of adding more to cover a known design issue.
nice work!
that actually looks a lot better and something the engineers should have considered in their design. Sometimes it's better to remove some instead of adding more to cover a known design issue.
nice work!
Thanks! And I totally agree with you on this.
Looks super clean. Any concern with that bed side getting flimsy or does that break add a good bit of stiffness?
If I’m looking at it correctly it looks like a single panel, what was a pinch seam even holding together?
Now that is a clean cut! Looks factory, and removing the fender trim looks to add a little clearance too... Glad I'm not the only one that spotted those fresh Trail Grapplers over there 😉
Did you leave a little longer piece of the bed in order to bend it upward to get the finished look and if so how much and what did you use to accomplish this?
Did you paint it after you had cut it, with like spray paint or perhaps like a brush repair chip paint? Did you tape it off with like a painter's tape before cutting with the cut off wheel? Sorry, for the million questions and I truly appreciate the replies. I am really wanting to do this as well with mine.
Did you paint it after you had cut it, with like spray paint or perhaps like a brush repair chip paint? Did you tape it off with like a painter's tape before cutting with the cut off wheel? Sorry, for the million questions and I truly appreciate the replies. I am really wanting to do this as well with mine.
Sorry, we had a paint shop finish it up.
Dang it, now you just made it where I am going to be a lot more hesitant to try this myself. lol....but thank you again
The cut can be done with ease using a cutoff wheel. You can mask off the edge and hit it with some paint. I would have done this as well but we already had body damage to the corners and wanted to get that fixed.
The cut can be done with ease using a cutoff wheel. You can mask off the edge and hit it with some paint. I would have done this as well but we already had body damage to the corners and wanted to get that fixed.
Ok, I will attempt it and post pictures of either A. Success or B. Failure, either way I will provide an update for those that may also be following this thread.
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