Geological Time Includes Now

when I was a teen, our scout troop spent a few weeks cliff jumping at Lake Powell.

While at one of the cliffs we were jumping off of, heard the loudest crack I've ever heard and watched a section of wall collapse into the water; our spotter boat (18' runabout) almost got swamped but they were able outrun the wave.

Some of us were still on top of the jump point several hundred yards away from the wall section that collapsed but felt the ground shake and noticed the crack on top of the wall where we were jumping got a little wider. That ended our day at that location and any location where there were visible cracks on the top side.

Another time, friends and I were mine exploring around Eureka Ut and saw a rock wall, not too tall but beckoned us to climb it, when we got to the top of the wall there was a 12" wide crack on the ground as far as we could visibly. Being the morons that we were, we found a post, shoved it in the crack and without not much force were able to pry the wall forcing it to collapse.

We were all pretty silent for a few hours before we spoke about how that wall could've collapsed while we were climbing it. Also very lucky we hadn't parked the CJ in the collapse zone.
Heck, you guys remember about 10-15 years ago when New Hampshires “old man in the mountain“ literally fell down overnight? It was on the state license plate, for pete’s sake, and it simply disappeared in an instant.
Heck, you guys remember about 10-15 years ago when New Hampshires “old man in the mountain“ literally fell down overnight? It was on the state license plate, for pete’s sake, and it simply disappeared in an instant.
Oh yeah, that was really big news especially when the Old Man was the symbol of New Hampshire.
As someone who is planning on doing top of the world this year I wish you guys would change the subject. I was discussing it with my wife the other day and told her one day that big shelf rock is going to decide enough is enough. Some Jeeper will be famous :)
As someone who is planning on doing top of the world this year I wish you guys would change the subject. I was discussing it with my wife the other day and told her one day that big shelf rock is going to decide enough is enough. Some Jeeper will be famous :)
I did NOT park my Jeep on the rock shelf at Top Of The World for a photo op. Nor do I park at any cliff edge. (I’ve done that exactly once and decided it wasn’t worth it.) It’s a huge “Nope On A Rope” for me. All it would take is a moment of inattention, selecting the wrong gear or a slip of the foot.
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