GenRight Carrier Install


New member
I'm doing my packaged parts inventory and found out that I didn't receive any instructions for the GenRight Carrier install or a parts list. Does anyone else have the pdf for this carrier?

I don't want to get too deep into the install and find out anything is missing and some paper instructions in front of me during would be nice.
I'm doing my packaged parts inventory and found out that I didn't receive any instructions for the GenRight Carrier install or a parts list. Does anyone else have the pdf for this carrier?

I don't want to get too deep into the install and find out anything is missing and some paper instructions in front of me during would be nice.

I just messaged my buddy that works there to see if by chance he has access to the destruction.pdf for you! Btw...I tried replying to your pm last week but your inbox was full and then I forgot hehe. I can easily get them for you tomorrow of course as he'll be at his desk.
GenRight has instructions? :thinking: :crazyeyes: :D

I think the video posted up is about the best you can hope to get.
There is a few videos, after that it didn't look to hard to install. I don't think they have templates or anything. Pretty much like anything else, you kinda have to wing it.
In all seriousness, GenRight is in the business of making/selling "builder kits". They expect you to know a thing or two and just be able to figure things out for yourself. I should note that this is in no ways a criticism, just stating the facts.
I'm doing my packaged parts inventory and found out that I didn't receive any instructions for the GenRight Carrier install or a parts list. Does anyone else have the pdf for this carrier?

I don't want to get too deep into the install and find out anything is missing and some paper instructions in front of me during would be nice.

This video should help!
In all seriousness, GenRight is in the business of making/selling "builder kits". They expect you to know a thing or two and just be able to figure things out for yourself. I should note that this is in no ways a criticism, just stating the facts.

This is/was true for many businesses. That's in part how I found your sites a few years back was doing research and all the install instructions you've done. If only you had installed a Gen right, then no problems. ;)
I have seen the videos, I just like holding the paper in my greasy hands rather than going inside and washing my hands before touching a computer if I have a snag/question

Put it with your coilovers. Maybe they will have instructions when you install it in three years. :D

One of these days Adam, one of these days<in a honeymooners voice>

In all seriousness, GenRight is in the business of making/selling "builder kits".

I did not know this! Most companies include shitty instructions, but at least there's something included!

:cheesy::cheesy: Or put it with his boys to men cassettes. ;)

Speaking of which...why did you record "Dancing Queen" and "It's raining men" over the ACDC cassette I let you barrow? :thinking:
I just messaged my buddy that works there to see if by chance he has access to the destruction.pdf for you! Btw...I tried replying to your pm last week but your inbox was full and then I forgot hehe. I can easily get them for you tomorrow of course as he'll be at his desk.

If he has some, that would be great! I don't remember what I messaged you about, but there's room in there now! :thumb:
Maybe Hinrich will still have it laying around for you. Or even seanb123 will have it since he just installed his a week ago

Sent from my iPhone
Ill have to look around when I get home cuz I think I may still have them, its not hard install at all. Deffinitily take pics of the bolts for the side plate and all those stupid spacers they give you. Also take you time with the hinge side as well, I put the brackets in wrong at first since I was trying to not take off both tail gate hinges so to not loose the alignment. I would say email them, but they have been horrible about answering a very simple question of mine.
I wish I could help but no instructions with mine either I watched the video once and was good. Good hint take a picture of the back of the latch plate it will come in handy when reinstalling the screws with all the spacers and what not. Also slotted passenger side bracket up top. The video should give you a good idea. Just pay attention when they are drilling the hole fore the size of each hole.
I actually got ahold of GenRight and I am awaiting an email of all the info they have on the carrier. It sounded like a young girl on the phone and she sounded a little confused so Im not sure if its install instructions or just a parts list. Either way, Ill post up what I get when the email comes through.
I actually got ahold of GenRight and I am awaiting an email of all the info they have on the carrier. It sounded like a young girl on the phone and she sounded a little confused so Im not sure if its install instructions or just a parts list. Either way, Ill post up what I get when the email comes through.

If you wanna PM me your number I have the paperwork that comes with the genright tire carrier. I'll send you pics of all 8 pages if you want. I don't have means to scan it or I would.
Got an email from genright just now so did a little pdf conversion in paint for everyone to use if they need it. Looks pretty straight forward!

Genright pg 1.jpg
Genright pg 2.jpg
Genright pg 3.jpg
Genright pg 4.jpg
Genright pg 5.jpg
Genright pg 6.jpg
Genright pg 7.jpg
Genright pg 8.jpg
Looks like a nice set of destructions ya got there... So much for expecting you to know what your doing kinda company

Just sayin. :brows:

Good luck with the install, carrier is solid!
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