Gay Talk

What in the hell did I just read!? A lot of people scream for equality, such as gays, blacks, or any other minority group, yet the moment they get treated like everyone else, they want special treatment. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

I, personally could care less whether someone is gay, black, trans, or fucking purple. If you're acting like a douche nozzle, you're going to get called a douche nozzle. You, dagdag, are a douche nozzle. And that has nothing to do with being gay.
My mom is an opera singer and voice instructor so I grew up around gay men. When I was in high school, one of my mom's gay students came to live with us because his father kicked him out of the house when he came out. We welcomed him in our home. The first person I personally knew with AIDS died in 1988, long before much was known about the disease (the doctors called it steroid poisoning.) As an adult, my wife and I lived in SF for a few years. The majority of the men we knew and socialized with in SF were gay (they called me their token straight friend and would make fun of me every time I talked about riding the "ferry" across the bay.) They all had pride; none carried chips on their shoulders.

People like you do more to hurt your "cause" (pick any cause, it doesn't matter) than to help it. You don't own words...but you clearly have a problem with letting words own you. Grow the fuck up and get some thicker skin.

And the word ninja strikes again. Awesome post Sharkey!
Well that's enough for today. This is obviously going to be an uphill battle. If the south can still justify their racist flag so many years later, you'll probably hold on to your justifications for years too.

P.s. OverlanderJK that big gay pride sticker on your jeep... I put that there. LOL!

What makes you think he doesn't already have one??? Do you even know Overlander? Do you know any other forum members for that matter? Oh wait, you're gay.... do you know any forum people....I "heard" gay people are trying to own the word member now. ;)

My mom is an opera singer and voice instructor so I grew up around gay men. When I was in high school, one of my mom's gay students came to live with us because his father kicked him out of the house when he came out. We welcomed him in our home. The first person I personally knew with AIDS died in 1988, long before much was known about the disease (the doctors called it steroid poisoning.) As an adult, my wife and I lived in SF for a few years. The majority of the men we knew and socialized with in SF were gay (they called me their token straight friend and would make fun of me every time I talked about riding the "ferry" across the bay.) They all had pride; none carried chips on their shoulders.

People like you do more to hurt your "cause" (pick any cause, it doesn't matter) than to help it. You don't own words...but you clearly have a problem with letting words own you. Grow the fuck up and get some thicker skin.

I'm sure he'll take offense to the fact that male opera singers must be gay. :crazyeyes:
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Didn't the word "gay" used to mean happy? So why is it ok for the homosexual community to change the meaning of a word but not anybody else?
Have we really ran out of JEEP Topics!! And resorted to this wow[emoji106]🏻 who cares if your gay or not, let's move on, i will apologize to move this on and get back to Jeeps.
Have we really ran out of JEEP Topics!! And resorted to this wow[emoji106] who cares if your gay or not, let's move on, i will apologize to move this on and get back to Jeeps.

I agree. Back to Jeeps. This type of stuff usually only comes around on flaming Fridays. :cheesy::cheesy:
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