Gas Tax in California

Californians are moving to Texas in droves. We have one of the healthiest, pro business, small government economies in the country and there is massive growth. The jackass liberals from the coasts will come to enjoy the prosperity and vote it into a new California. Every time I see a hippi driving a Prius with commefornia tags I want to fly the bird, cut him off and slam on the brakes.
PA has had a gas tax now for all of this year so far. its automatically marked up .10 cents a gallon. suppose to fix our roads but it really hasnt. i think i paid $3.48 just the other day :crazyeyes:
Californians are moving to Texas in droves. We have one of the healthiest, pro business, small government economies in the country and there is massive growth. The jackass liberals from the coasts will come to enjoy the prosperity and vote it into a new California. Every time I see a hippi driving a Prius with commefornia tags I want to fly the bird, cut him off and slam on the brakes.

You'd never get anywhere in California if you did that, there's more Prius junk on the road than ever.
California has become the polar opposite of Texas - business unfriendly and tax crazy.

California - you aren't fruits, nuts or flakes then you don't belong in the Cereal State.
So glad I got out of OC, Komifornia in '06 after living my entire life there. What's the Cal state income tax rate now? Isn't like 13%? Nevada income tax rate 0%.

Nevada is crazy friendly for businesses. We're #3 this year for Overall Corp Tax Friendliness with 0% corp tax rate. Texas was rated #11. Our State Gov't is working hard trying to get more of the Silicon Valley and bay area tech business to move or at least open up some form of operations here. We just got Ashima Devices to move here from Cal which will be bringing over 400 jobs and a reported avg base salary of $70k.
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Californians are moving to Texas in droves. We have one of the healthiest, pro business, small government economies in the country and there is massive growth. The jackass liberals from the coasts will come to enjoy the prosperity and vote it into a new California. Every time I see a hippi driving a Prius with commefornia tags I want to fly the bird, cut him off and slam on the brakes.

I was reading an article not too long ago that predicted Texas will be a blue state in the next 3 - 5 years based on the votes of the very people you mention, and the votes of immigrants that vote for people more willing to help them.
Two things in life are certain. Taxes and death. At least the pain and suffering of death only happens once. :drum: Gotta love my Cali. That said, there really are many things to love living here. Having all our family here makes it harder to leave too.
Well if it's any consolation, the rest of the country is happier paying what they are paying because they see what you're paying. At $3.52 a gallon this morning, I'm just happy I'm not paying $4.??

So thank you Cali. :beer:
Just curious but what are you guys paying for a gallon right now?

I filled up for $3.89 yesterday. I consider under $4 a pretty good deal. I live just outside SF. SF proper is probably $4.09.

About the same in socal. I filled Sunday for $3.85.

Well if it's any consolation, the rest of the country is happier paying what they are paying because they see what you're paying. At $3.52 a gallon this morning, I'm just happy I'm not paying $4.??

So thank you Cali. :beer:

You're welcome. ;) I guess I can consider it a snow shovel gas tax. I pay extra so I don't have to....ever. LOL.
Well if it's any consolation, the rest of the country is happier paying what they are paying because they see what you're paying. At $3.52 a gallon this morning, I'm just happy I'm not paying $4.??

So thank you Cali. :beer:

You're welcome!! Come visit us and spend lots of tourism money! We love guests.
About the same in socal. I filled Sunday for $3.85.

You're welcome. ;) I guess I can consider it a snow shovel gas tax. I pay extra so I don't have to....ever. LOL.

LOL, I honestly think Dallas got more snow last year than Denver did. :cheesy: Not to say we won't get slammed this year, but I haven't slung a shovel since I got my Jeep.
About the same in socal. I filled Sunday for $3.85.

You're welcome. ;) I guess I can consider it a snow shovel gas tax. I pay extra so I don't have to....ever. LOL.

We pay nearly 6 up here I'd love to fill up for 4. But I'll never see those days again you all should consider yourselves lucky at least for now
Well if it's any consolation, the rest of the country is happier paying what they are paying because they see what you're paying. At $3.52 a gallon this morning, I'm just happy I'm not paying $4.??

So thank you Cali. :beer:

We pay nearly six up here I wish I could pay 4
Sadly, many leave Cali or The People's Demokratic Republic of New York then move to AZ, TX & or here to OK then expect all the other BS laws and customs that fly out there to be accepted here. They forget that half the reason we don't have those types of problems is that we don't tolerate the intolerable.

Look at what's happening to Austin & San Antonio, it's like the hippies never left! Though to be fair I'm not certain they ever did leave Austin......
No. We moved here for religious freedom. The King of England said he was the new Pope.

We fought a war because of a 3% sales tax, confiscation of weapons, and our representatives being kicked out of the House of Commons.
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