I took a quick dive down the rabbit whole and found the following is more likely the reason why gas prices are so high right now.
1. Demand for gas went way down due to the stupid virus thing and subsequent lock downs.
2. Oil producers cut production due to lack of demand - it's simple economics.
3. When people started to come to their senses and things got better, OPEC was slow to ramp up production.
4. Thanks to the whole blue and yellow flag people, sanctions were put on Russia and that included oil. That caused a rapid 20% hike in prices.
5. The Keystone pipeline was cancelled.
6. Companies in the US have become constrained by the tight supply of rigs, trucks and labor that's needed to supply more oil.
7. Current emphasis on shifting away from oil and fossil fuels as a whole has created a disincentive to boost production.
Of course, if you live in a state, county or city or all of the above that taxes your gas at a higher rate than others, that ain't gonna help you out either.