Front Bumper Desicisons, Need opinions!

This is actually the dilemma I was/am going through. Since I myself, am a college student also, I know it's hard to make a choice. But I'm going to go with the PSC BFH with trail stinger and a warn 9.5cti-s winch. The specific winch because it's low and is all around what I want. Go with what works best with your jeep, but don't just go with one because it's cheap. I did that with my lift, and it sucks, so think it through and weigh your options before you completely pull the trigger
Would anyone with a poison spyder bumper with brawler bar be willing to tell me how far out the brawler bar sticks out from the grill? Maybe a side photo? I am also struggling with my front bumper decision. So many great choices. Thanks in advance

Got my Jeep a day early from the body shop. The answer to your question: 9-3/8" from the grill to the outside of the winch plate, 15-1/2" from the grill to the outside of the Brawler bar

crawler conceptz...... very stout product.
New Bumper.jpg

I also run the crawler conceptz

Just installed this over the weekend. It was a lot more grinding and cutting than I expected, but in the end, I am happy with it. Picked it up from Northridge. I had never heard of them but couldn't go wrong with the price.
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