From Sahara to monster

Sorry to hear about your rig man!
Since Wrangler are stolen so often did the police have anything to say about it?
Sorry to hear about your rig man!
Since Wrangler are stolen so often did the police have anything to say about it?

Police took the report over the phone and could care less as I told them. They probably get it everyday so they know nothing is gonna come from it.
Sorry to hear this. I hope your insurance will pay for all the extras you had on it, mine doesn't cover that stuff. Scary.
My friend had hers stolen and it was never recovered. . Sucks to go through especially after pouring a lot of blood sweat and beers into it as alot of us do.
That's heart breaking, i read through your whole thread this morning then hit the stolen part.... Sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear this. I had a vehicle stolen once. I don't know who raped me more... the thieves or the insurance. I do have what is most likely a stupid question. how do they steal a vehicle that needs a coded key to run?
I'd check all your surrounding businesses to see if any have out side video, if you locate any call what every agency to have them go pull your video. Also check with that agency and see if they are linked to NICB National Insurance Crime Bureau, if they are any part that has an assigned number can be tracked if it shows up some where.
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