Free: Rancho Shock Boot

Is this still available, somehow I found I have one red boot and one black boot, I need to match them up. Would be greatful if you could ship in a large box with lots of peanuts please. See my problem belowImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1442112502.353114.jpg
Pretty sure I have 4 red one from the spare ranchos I have.

Appreciate that brother! It's a bit of a joke, last week when I was at Scott's doing some wiring, he and Justin were having some fun. I might pull them all off, if I go all red I'll def let you know, thanks so much! [emoji482][emoji1][emoji106]🏻
Is this still available, somehow I found I have one red boot and one black boot, I need to match them up. Would be greatful if you could ship in a large box with lots of peanuts please. See my problem belowView attachment 164648

I don't see anything wrong...

Except 45 mins, justin, panda and I will never get back. ;)

Edit, oh and evo has cornered the market on peanuts... :)
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