FREE HAT to the first person who actually offends us! (litebrite)

Keyboard warriors bro, nothing more hahaha

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I have not been to any of their sites, inciting drama, but they came here to do it. If you make yourself into a public figure, you take the good with the bad.

Was just scrolling down facebook this morning when...

Wow. It’s almost if this entire incident were orchestrated to improve their channel...

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I have not been to any of their sites, inciting drama, but they came here to do it. If you make yourself into a public figure, you take the good with the bad.

Wow. It’s almost if this entire incident were orchestrated to improve their channel...

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Yeah it really does. I can ensure you if Eddie had 1 or 1 million subscribers he would continue to do things exactly the same way.
When they get more subscribers they still will be just a shitty informercial channel with no knowledge on how to turn a wrench. Bravo to selling out his wife.

Pornhub has more subscribers too, It’s not that hard to figure out why.
^^^This! That’s what makes him a class act... No matter how much people talk shit, he stays in his own house and does his own thing. The other dude just came here for attention.
And now he’s crying because he got the attention he wanted.

Fucking millennials...
The only thing I want to know is what all of you look like so when we cross paths on a trail you don’t try to be 2 faced and act all nice when a bunch of people are around. I’d like to make sure you have the opportunity to say these things to my face or my wife’s face or simply be able to stay away from all of you who are a cancer to the jeep community. That’s all I really want out of any of this. To know the people hiding behind the computer so we know who to stay away from because we will cross paths.
The only thing I want to know is what all of you look like so when we cross paths on a trail you don’t try to be 2 faced and act all nice when a bunch of people are around. I’d like to make sure you have the opportunity to say these things to my face or my wife’s face or simply be able to stay away from all of you who are a cancer to the jeep community. That’s all I really want out of any of this. To know the people hiding behind the computer so we know who to stay away from because we will cross paths.

Kev&ho you came back.[emoji1319]

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The only thing I want to know is what all of you look like so when we cross paths on a trail you don’t try to be 2 faced and act all nice when a bunch of people are around. I’d like to make sure you have the opportunity to say these things to my face or my wife’s face or simply be able to stay away from all of you who are a cancer to the jeep community. That’s all I really want out of any of this. To know the people hiding behind the computer so we know who to stay away from because we will cross paths.

Are you gonna have your posse out there to continue to threaten me like they have done online? Funny how I have the problem yet you and your cronies are the one trying to find out info about me. You and your wife are whores. Whores to get free shit for your jeep. The word whore doesn’t just mean you suck dick. Relax tough guy.

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Kev&ho you came back.[emoji1319]

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So let’s see some pics of you guys and photos of your rigs so we know who to avoid. Y’all definitely know who we are. We know you guys watch the videos otherwise you wouldn’t know so much about us and we’re truly flattered but let’s be men here. Man up and let’s see what you guys all look like so you can’t be a 2 face. I know it’s wishful thinking and not going to happen because that’s not how any of you operate. I do know what adam looks like and what he drives and someone sent me his address and phone number which I don’t need. Northern Cali isn’t somewhere I’ll be going other then to visit the rubicon a couple times and 4 dyce and dusey. But come on guys, play fair and let’s see who you are.
So let’s see some pics of you guys and photos of your rigs so we know who to avoid. Y’all definitely know who we are. We know you guys watch the videos otherwise you wouldn’t know so much about us and we’re truly flattered but let’s be men here. Man up and let’s see what you guys all look like so you can’t be a 2 face. I know it’s wishful thinking and not going to happen because that’s not how any of you operate. I do know what adam looks like and what he drives and someone sent me his address and phone number which I don’t need. Northern Cali isn’t somewhere I’ll be going other then to visit the rubicon a couple times and 4 dyce and dusey. But come on guys, play fair and let’s see who you are.

Fordyce and dusy? Spell check.

And you quoted a woman so it’s hard for her to man up.

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Are you gonna have your posse out there to continue to threaten me like they have done online? Funny how I have the problem yet you and your cronies are the one trying to find out info about me. You and your wife are whores. Whores to get free shit for your jeep. The word whore doesn’t just mean you suck dick. Relax tough guy.

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No I’m not talking or concerned with you. I have ALL of your information. I was told you were pretty hard to find as far as that goes. But I know enough about you to know who and what to look for. Look for a postcard maybe from LiteBrite nation. Maybe while we’re at jeep beach or something. The only reason I want to know who you people are is so we can make sure to avoid you when we meet. Nobody is touching anyone. We just like to know who the bad apples are so we can stay away or better yet, make sure you stay away. That’s all. Tell Eddie we say hi and we will see him at EJS.
So let’s see some pics of you guys and photos of your rigs so we know who to avoid. Y’all definitely know who we are. We know you guys watch the videos otherwise you wouldn’t know so much about us and we’re truly flattered but let’s be men here. Man up and let’s see what you guys all look like so you can’t be a 2 face. I know it’s wishful thinking and not going to happen because that’s not how any of you operate. I do know what adam looks like and what he drives and someone sent me his address and phone number which I don’t need. Northern Cali isn’t somewhere I’ll be going other then to visit the rubicon a couple times and 4 dyce and dusey. But come on guys, play fair and let’s see who you are.

You've been asked to stop posting yet once again you have no respect for our rules. Since then, you've posted some Facebook YouTube subscriber contest? (Like anyone in the real world really gives a fuck). And now you have people out looking for Wayalife members' info and pictures and you're having your friends threaten them? Now you're just making yourself look more and more pathetic and desperate. I don't know why you are so obsessed about Wayalife and trying to find out all this info. MOVE ON. Your first post here shows your arrogance and how happy you are in your little YouTube world, so please stay there and stay away from here.
Y’all over here whining about shit... while we're out here living the life you want

So let’s see some pics of you guys and photos of your rigs so we know who to avoid. Y’all definitely know who we are. We know you guys watch the videos otherwise you wouldn’t know so much about us and we’re truly flattered but let’s be men here. Man up and let’s see what you guys all look like so you can’t be a 2 face. I know it’s wishful thinking and not going to happen because that’s not how any of you operate. I do know what adam looks like and what he drives and someone sent me his address and phone number which I don’t need. Northern Cali isn’t somewhere I’ll be going other then to visit the rubicon a couple times and 4 dyce and dusey. But come on guys, play fair and let’s see who you are.

Come on Kev... must you always come to our parties and guzzle your own jizz in front of everyone?

It’s clear as day you started your drama to boost your numbers so don’t puss out now.

Here’s an idea while I have your attention.. I think you should practice your burn out on a cliffhanger! Think about it! It would be epic! You know the spot right! Hands-down it would go viral! Think of the numbers! Of course you have to think about which one of you will drive and who will film. But I think we both know the answer to that right. Wink, wink.

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No I’m not talking or concerned with you. I have ALL of your information. I was told you were pretty hard to find as far as that goes. But I know enough about you to know who and what to look for. Look for a postcard maybe from LiteBrite nation. Maybe while we’re at jeep beach or something. The only reason I want to know who you people are is so we can make sure to avoid you when we meet. Nobody is touching anyone. We just like to know who the bad apples are so we can stay away or better yet, make sure you stay away. That’s all. Tell Eddie we say hi and we will see him at EJS.

Really? Tell your buddies that. This speaks volumes about you and your friends.


And I know the information you have. It’s not correct. Try again.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
You've been asked to stop posting yet once again you have no respect for our rules. Since then, you've posted some Facebook YouTube subscriber contest? (Like anyone in the real world really gives a fuck). And now you have people out looking for Wayalife members' info and pictures and you're having your friends threaten them? Now you're just making yourself look more and more pathetic and desperate. I don't know why you are so obsessed about Wayalife and trying to find out all this info. MOVE ON. Your first post here shows your arrogance and how happy you are in your little YouTube world, so please stay there and stay away from here.

I’m not looking for eddies info. I want YOUR info. You and the other 4-5 people here that we will run into at some point. I have not asked anyone to to promote any violence. I’ve actually asked the opposite. We’re about a community and helping one another. Not bashing on anyone.
Hell, we’ve even promoted eddies videos quite a few times and those videos of his we promoted actually got more views because of us. I’ve kept track of it. Where they were at and once we posted and mentioned him his views went up. I’ve been nothing but cordial to Eddie and wayalife fans and there has never been a reason to not be until we have fans sending us screenshots you YOU and your people in here degrading me and my wife for no reason at all. So yes I want to know who you people are because you are a cancer to this way of life
Really? Tell your buddies that. This speaks volumes about you and your friends.

View attachment 324824

And I know the information you have. It’s not correct. Try again.

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That was your own doing. You have had issues with him for years. That has nothing to do with us. I didn’t ask him to do that and when he told me I actually told him that wasn’t cool and not what I’m asking of anyone. He said y’all have issues if you being this way for a while and you just crossed the line. He wasn’t even coming to EJS at all and as you know since you watch out videos, he hasn’t been in our videos for a long time. Partly because he’s a bit mentally unstable and not controllable at all. I don’t condone any violence at all and what he does is between you 2. I’ve already asked him to not get involved but he doesn’t seem to care what I say.
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