It seems like everywhere you look there is some sort of hate for you and WOL.
Again, I delete NOTHING here on WAYALIFE. The truth is out there and if people really want to know where this hate comes from, I GUARANTEE you that you can find it here.
Yet I still choose to be here. I enjoy what you do. I think you are a good person.
And, I'm glad you think so and I'm happy to have you here.
It is possible that I missed it... I seem to miss large chunks of some threads due to getting busy with work, etc... But you are correct. I have never seen you say anything negative about them.
If there's any doubt, I would once again CHALLENGE YOU to find it. I guarantee you that it simply doesn't exist because I would never go there.
On the other side of the coin there are some here who have said some things. Obviously LBN has seen that and associated that with you. By the looks of it they have said some things as well. And here we are.
Hang on, "some here who have said some things" is NOT ME saying those things. Now, you yourself are admitting that THEY have "said some things". Not their "fans" but THEM SPECIFICALLY. I know this might be hard for you to understand but there is a difference and it's one that matters to me.
I am not OK with the hate. But I seem to see it in both sides(once again, not specifically from you).
Right, NOT SPECIFICALLY FROM ME but SPECIFICALLY FROM THEM. You are choosing to give a pass on THEIR SPECIFIC HATE FOR ME because of what people on this forum may have said about them. As in, you hold me accountable for what the members here were challenged to do - you know, to OFFEND THEM. :naw:
I guess I choose to see the good in people. I form my opinions more off how people treat me. Not by what I read on the internet.
And I get it, it's all about you and really, I'm totally cool with that.
If that means that I am not the caliber of person you would choose to wheel with... I guess it is what it is. Sorry to disappoint.
LOL - "caliber" has nothing to do with who I choose to wheel with. I simply prefer to wheel with people I consider to be MY FRIEND. My friends have my back, they stick up for me, the choose sides and I'm simply appreciative of that. Sorry that this would offend you.