New member
Waving from St Pete
As of now, we should be out there Saturday.
I'll be there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with several of my Jeep Club members.........we're staying at the Sleep Inn next to Don Garlits Museum of Drag Racing (I-75/SW 135th Street)......Parking lot party every night ::beer:
This seems like the most appropriate spot...
I'm originally from Tally but I live in Colorado now. My sister still lives in Tally and she's actually going through a gnarly surgery today. She loves off-roading and I plan to be back in Tally over winter break (ball park Dec 20th - Jan 4th?). I want to take her on a sweet trail and I figure you NoFlo jeepers would make fantastic tour-guides / trail convoy. I realize this is still a ways away, but I want to start brainstorming plans now so we can do something really cool when I get out there.
If you live in the area or plan to be in the area towards the end of the year AND you want to help organize a badass ride, PM me. If I get enough interest I'll make another thread so we can all get on the same page. Thanks!
~Wave from CO!:rock:
Wave from Spring Hill...
Keep us posted on the run, shit we have no problems heading north...![]()
Piiiicccssssss Plleeeaaaasssee!!!!!!!Im at the end of the road in Key West
Taken at Ft Zach <img src=""/> <img src=""/>
Wish thats where i was right now ...
I can dream, can't I?