Flop (Now what?)

Original post was edited.

Guy solicits "uncouth advice to be PM'd" in original post then realizes what he did, edits post and now Ovie's the bad guy here? Not seeing the logic with this soon-to-be dogpile
No shit. How did this turn into me being a dick? This dude posts and realizes he fucked up, edited his post, asks for his thread to be deleted, then asks for his account to be deleted when the thread isn’t. And I’m the dick?
No shit. How did this turn into me being a dick? This dude posts and realizes he fucked up, edited his post, asks for his thread to be deleted, then asks for his account to be deleted when the thread isn’t. And I’m the dick?
I mean your the "Resident Smartass" and you live up to that on a daily basis. I figured you had thick skin and I could give you a poke or two because you definitely dish it out.

On another note... I didn't know about the asking to delete the thread and other stuff but I don't think it would of changed my response. No hard feelings either way.
I mean your the "Resident Smartass" and you live up to that on a daily basis. I figured you had thick skin and I could give you a poke or two because you definitely dish it out.

On another note... I didn't know about the asking to delete the thread and other stuff but I don't think it would of changed my response. No hard feelings either way.
Lol I’m hardly offended by what you or anyone else said. I was asking a question.
Like others have said, the damage is minimal and it is a flop not a roll. I would just fix what I need to get it driving correctly. Put some flex seal (as seen on tv!!!) on the hard top. The doors didn’t look too banged up in the pictures you deleted. It kind of reminded me of my buddy’s flip on Escalator some years back
Original post was edited.

Guy solicits "uncouth advice to be PM'd" in original post then realizes what he did, edits post and now Ovie's the bad guy here? Not seeing the logic with this soon-to-be dogpile

ah I see the connection; his original post looking for an insurance payout on a faulty steering? then decided to delete it when he got called out.
We'll probably never here what happens. He could just say someone hit him in a parking lot and left. Then see what happens...haha
I’m blown away that someone would lack the intellectual aptitude to realize that starting a thread like this might not be such a good idea.

Overlander calls it like he sees it and is right about 99% of the time. From my seat, calling an idiot and idiot doesn’t make you an asshole…it just makes you perceptive.
I literally spent the morning hanging out with my friend Trailbud and then spent the rest of the day working on Moby, checked the forum for the first time since I last posted on this thread and now the OP wants to have his account deleted. I am so confused...
Hello, My name is Jake, and I'm with State Farm. I would respectfully request that the moderators please reinstate Mr.D Jowen6565 back to the Wayalife forum for I have some pressing questions regarding an incident that occurred recently. There seem to be some discrepancies on his claim paperwork. Mr. Jowen's incident report says he "Rolled" his jeep but after further investigation, we only found evidence of a "flop". It should come as no surprise to you that we here at State Farm take Flop Fraud very seriously and would appreciate your continued cooperation in this ongoing investigation.

Hello, My name is Jake, and I'm with State Farm. I would respectfully request that the moderators please reinstate Mr.D Jowen6565 back to the Wayalife forum for I have some pressing questions regarding an incident that occurred recently. There seem to be some discrepancies on his claim paperwork. Mr. Jowen's incident report says he "Rolled" his jeep but after further investigation, we only found evidence of a "flop". It should come as no surprise to you that we here at State Farm take Flop Fraud very seriously and would appreciate your continued cooperation in this ongoing investigation.

Ok, that was seriously funny
Hello, My name is Jake, and I'm with State Farm. I would respectfully request that the moderators please reinstate Mr.D Jowen6565 back to the Wayalife forum for I have some pressing questions regarding an incident that occurred recently. There seem to be some discrepancies on his claim paperwork. Mr. Jowen's incident report says he "Rolled" his jeep but after further investigation, we only found evidence of a "flop". It should come as no surprise to you that we here at State Farm take Flop Fraud very seriously and would appreciate your continued cooperation in this ongoing investigation.

LOL… Insurance companies use CVSA (lie detector) on your recorded claim call anyway, “For quality assurance.”
I’m glad we got this out of the way quickly. Imagine if I had invested years into this forum like you salty pricks.

Some of you are helpful, some of you need to retire. It’s my first time experiencing this situation. One of your buddies on this forum suggested that I take it down. Not because I have any intention on defrauding an insurance company, but solely because I did things out of order…out of inexperience.

I got what I needed out of this thread. And the shitbag 10% around here have chased me off. Mission success… You all can continue braiding each others hair…

Good night and fuck off…
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