First electrification... Now This šŸ™„

Curious to see more about this, but as much as I hate to see it, all signs seem to be point to the end of diesels. Cummins coming out with a gas line, Iā€™m sure diesel fuel will continue to rise to force peole away. Crazy part is some of these new diesels burn cleaner than the gassers.
For whatever reason Americans donā€™t like diesel. Never have. Especially now that electric is being pushed so hard. Diesels have always had a very small market so Iā€™m not surprised if Jeep gets rid of it.
Thatā€™s a good point, only really in the bigger trucks has Americans jumped on. lots of qualities of diesels that i really like, but I think a lot of these emissions standards have pushed people farther away. Donā€™t get me wrong, I hate the guys who turn up the screws and dump fuel to blow black smoke, but not all diesels are like that, and definitely donā€™t need to be. Iā€™ll miss it in the 3/4 ton and 1 ton trucks, as thatā€™s where my experience is, but Cummins is expecting to reach similar output with gas, So who knows. My dad has been a mechanic since he was 14, specialized in diesels for 30+ Years. Doesnā€™t need to, but still drives his 04 Cummins with 400k on it because he doesnā€™t want to mess with all the new stuff. Says he will buy gasser if he ever gets a new truck because all the electronics/emissions shit. Lol.
For whatever reason Americans donā€™t like diesel. Never have. Especially now that electric is being pushed so hard. Diesels have always had a very small market so Iā€™m not surprised if Jeep gets rid of it.
Yeah that's the truth. The Diesel JL seemed to sell pretty well though, but probably not enough to justify its continuous production.

Do they even still offer the Turbo 4? I don't know anyone that has one šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
This is all to depressing. Weā€™re losing everything thats Coolā€¦ to fucking batteries.
What makes me even sadder is the future of the automotive industry. All that mechanical knowledge and skill, passed on from generation to generation, will be thrown out the window - only to save the planet by actually more negatively impacting the planet with lithium ion batteries but telling everyone you're saving the planet which they'll believe because it's different and the government told them so it must be legit... Hypocrisy is the liberal way.
What makes me even sadder is the future of the automotive industry. All that mechanical knowledge and skill, passed on from generation to generation, will be thrown out the window - only to save the planet by actually more negatively impacting the planet with lithium ion batteries but telling everyone you're saving the planet which they'll believe because it's different and the government told them so it must be legit... Hypocrisy is the liberal way.
The future of car ā€œrepairā€ will either be replace the whole assembly or the whole car..crazy sad, and people think itā€™s expensive to fix cars now šŸ˜‚
The future of car ā€œrepairā€ will either be replace the whole assembly or the whole car..crazy sad, and people think itā€™s expensive to fix cars now šŸ˜‚
Teslas are absolutely outrageous to repair. They also burn through tires in 8 to 15 thousand miles depending on the model. They're heavy as hell and its a sign of what's to come. More batteries, more tires, more money, and more range that you can't replenish from 4 to 9 in Cali šŸ™„
For whatever reason Americans donā€™t like diesel. Never have.
I've had a boner for diesels for 50 years...
But, I've heard guys bitch about the smell of diesel in their garage.
Donā€™t get me wrong, I hate the guys who turn up the screws and dump fuel to blow black smoke, but not all diesels are like that, and definitely donā€™t need to be.
True on the newer heavy truck e-diesels. But, back in the day, Cat 3406, 3408, Cummins KTA, there was no fire without smoke. Much cooler time...
Nobody needed a stinking laptop to fix one.
Teslas are absolutely outrageous to repair. They also burn through tires in 8 to 15 thousand miles depending on the model. They're heavy as hell and its a sign of what's to come. More batteries, more tires, more money, and more range that you can't replenish from 4 to 9 in Cali šŸ™„
Well CA is trying to fix that power problem. Guess howā€¦..batteries. Lol
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