Firefighter and Law Enforcement Wayalifers! The Official Public safety Wayalife thread

Lol, whole lot of assumptions in one post. I don't work for a city. I'm not sworn anything. What the hell does race have anything to do with it? I can't tell you what the ratio is in Detroit. I frankly don't give a shit.

Lighten up Francis, it was merely a joke.

I was Just throwing it out lol.. Your not the first nor the last who has said that..The city is in bad shape. If you dont work for city or a Dept why do you comment in this thread?
I was Just throwing it out lol.. Your not the first nor the last who has said that..The city is in bad shape. If you dont work for city or a Dept why do you comment in this thread?

BDavid......props to you and your whole department for going out each and every shift and fighting the good fight.......the incredible migration of people away from Detroit proper has left thousands of abandoned buildings residential and commercial.......arsonist thrive in that environment......I can't even imagine fighting double digit fires in old construction multi-story residences with basements or multi-story commercials in below freezing weather........after watching "Burn" my crew sat back and discussed the the risk benefit on fighting a fire on an abandoned structure.......most of us agreed we would go into a defensive posture and cover any exposures and let it burn to the ground......I would not commit any personnel to an interior attack whatsoever.......end result nobody's life is put at risk and the building burns to the less structure left for an arsonist to burn.......sad situation in Detroit......hopefully the government steps in and buys up blocks of land and helps redevelope them and bring people back to Detroit........what happened to that city is a travesty........stay safe out there brother........and "Settle down Francis"......Chris (Piginajeep) is a good guy he means no harm

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Lol, whole lot of assumptions in one post. I don't work for a city. I'm not sworn anything. What the hell does race have anything to do with it? I can't tell you what the ratio is in Detroit. I frankly don't give a shit.

Lighten up Francis, it was merely a joke.

I don't know about any of this but...I would like a raise. Please.
A huge amount of these " abandoned structures" are not abandoned. It doesn't matter what type of person is living in these homes. Would you sit around and let your city burn down to the ground? Fuck no. Look at the statics on "on-duty deaths" how many are in Detroit? how many are due to vacant structures in Detroit? We go in cause we know how to................We are Fire Fighters, We go in put the fire out because that's how it is suppose to be done. Defensive posture is DEFEAT......... As of April 2015 we are at over 5000 Fire Runs, Prob 3000 of those are Actual fires. I love my job and we get it done...
A huge amount of these " abandoned structures" are not abandoned. It doesn't matter what type of person is living in these homes. Would you sit around and let your city burn down to the ground? Fuck no. Look at the statics on "on-duty deaths" how many are in Detroit? how many are due to vacant structures in Detroit? We go in cause we know how to................We are Fire Fighters, We go in put the fire out because that's how it is suppose to be done. Defensive posture is DEFEAT......... As of April 2015 we are at over 5000 Fire Runs, Prob 3000 of those are Actual fires. I love my job and we get it done...

Going defensive is staying alive.
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BDAVID,,, You have quickly identified yourself as one of the self glorifying conceited FF's I was originally describing.

"Every time I get home I pat myself on the back", "DEFENSIVE posture is defeat", "We get it done", "We go in cause we know how to",, suggesting other trained ff's dont?. Not to mention calling someone a racist without any indication of a racists post.
You even challenge another FF when he suggests it might be a smart move to keep personnel alive vs. risking life needlessly.
I hope you quickly learn that your life, and the life of your co-workers is the most valuable thing "on scene"
Going defensive is staying alive.

That is what separates the men from boys. Im not knocking anyone or there Dept......... Going Defensive is a last ditch effort never a first line tactic to extinguish a fire period. are there times that warrant it ABSOLUTELY, But in most cases to put a fire out you need to get to the fire, lobbing water threw a whole from the outside is not getting it done. When you sit around and discuss fire tactics and "DEFENSIVE" posture comes in or "LET IT BURN" you got to be kidding me.. We have people from other state/countries come ride with us if you want to discuss this further come on down and ride with us but be cautions on your opinions like" DEFENSIVE OR LIB"

Its amazing how many Fire Fighters don't really want to fight fire, Who are on the job just for the uniform and smiles...
BDAVID,,, You have quickly identified yourself as one of the self glorifying conceited FF's I was originally describing.

"Every time I get home I pat myself on the back", "DEFENSIVE posture is defeat", "We get it done", "We go in cause we know how to",, suggesting other trained ff's dont?. Not to mention calling someone a racist without any indication of a racists post.
You even challenge another FF when he suggests it might be a smart move to keep personnel alive vs. risking life needlessly.
I hope you quickly learn that your life, and the life of your co-workers is the most valuable thing "on scene"

Truth is what it is.. Just to clarify to the slow one ( BIG D) I never called him a racist nor did i imply other FF dont know how to get it done. We do and its a fact if you dont like it open the door and walk out.. I just patted myself on the back again just for you...
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That is what separates the men from boys. Im not knocking anyone or there Dept......... Going Defensive is a last ditch effort never a first line tactic to extinguish a fire period. are there times that warrant it ABSOLUTELY, But in most cases to put a fire out you need to get to the fire, lobbing water threw a whole from the outside is not getting it done. When you sit around and discuss fire tactics and "DEFENSIVE" posture comes in or "LET IT BURN" you got to be kidding me.. We have people from other state/countries come ride with us if you want to discuss this further come on down and ride with us but be cautions on your opinions like" DEFENSIVE OR LIB"

Its amazing how many Fire Fighters don't really want to fight fire, Who are on the job just for the uniform and smiles...

I don't even know where to begin thus I won't. All I can do is shake my head in disbelief at a lot of what you said.
Jackal,,, dont hate on him,,, he's just separating the men from the boys!!,,,, I know which column he thinks you belong in.:bleh:
I don't even know where to begin thus I won't. All I can do is shake my head in disbelief at a lot of what you said.

If this bothers you I do apologize, Like I stated before I love and respect all my fellow First responders. I dont respect comments like "LET IT BURN"... These are peoples homes and lives that are destroyed. Defensive is safe I agree But so is offensive if you know how to do it.. I do apologize for my post seeming so cut throat.. BIG D you would be the boy I refer to, one who has no business commenting on a thread but still feels the need to pock his childish comments in on it.
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If this bothers you I do apologize, Like I stated before I love and respect all my fellow First responders. I dont respect comments like "LET IT BURN"... These are peoples homes and lives that are destroyed. Defensive is safe I agree But so is offensive if you know how to do it.. I do apologize for my post seeming so cut throat..

You earn our respect (insert rolling eyes here)
You earn our respect (insert rolling eyes here)

I know it was harsh, I do apologize ... I meant no disrespect to anyone or there Dept.. I got fired up with the whole LET IT BURN comment. I couldn't tell you how many have said that, It burns me every time I hear it...
That is what separates the men from boys. Im not knocking anyone or there Dept......... Going Defensive is a last ditch effort never a first line tactic to extinguish a fire period. are there times that warrant it ABSOLUTELY, But in most cases to put a fire out you need to get to the fire, lobbing water threw a whole from the outside is not getting it done. When you sit around and discuss fire tactics and "DEFENSIVE" posture comes in or "LET IT BURN" you got to be kidding me.. We have people from other state/countries come ride with us if you want to discuss this further come on down and ride with us but be cautions on your opinions like" DEFENSIVE OR LIB"

Its amazing how many Fire Fighters don't really want to fight fire, Who are on the job just for the uniform and smiles...

WOW.....You're going to go into a structure that's been burning through the roof and out every window to put it out?.......even when there is no known life hazard involved......your going to commit to an interior attack and put your life and the lives of your crew in danger........for what? save a structure that will be razed and removed afterwards.......BDavid please....your rational is ridiculous and extremely dangerous.......I would LOVE to debate fire tactics with any of your Chief Officers....AC...BC...Captains...Lieutenants.....right down to front line FF's......your Risk/Benefit criteria is flawed and if that's how your Chiefs direct you then it's only a matter of time before your luck runs out and something bad happens......Defensive posture is DEFEAT?.....Obviously you're caught up in the old school mentality and it sounds all badass but that kind of attitude is going to get you hurt or killed.....We can agree to disagree on this I'm not here to argue fire attack with you.......I wish you the best brother stay safe out there....

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If this bothers you I do apologize, Like I stated before I love and respect all my fellow First responders. I dont respect comments like "LET IT BURN"... These are peoples homes and lives that are destroyed. Defensive is safe I agree But so is offensive if you know how to do it.. I do apologize for my post seeming so cut throat.. BIG D you would be the boy I refer to, one who has no business commenting on a thread but still feels the need to pock his childish comments in on it.

What I have a problem ("bothers" me) with is the blanket statement, "defensive posture is DEFEAT". Obviously the scene calls for defensive or offensive but I was always trained to "risk my life a little to save savable property, risk my life a lot to save a savable life and I will not risk my life at all to what is already lost." "defensive posture is DEFEAT" implies that one would brazenly risk it all for anything no matter what. That is just stupid. Perhaps it is just semantics but that blanket statement is difficult to dissect but I know plenty of dumbass firefighters that would risk their life for a house fully involved.

Done debating fire tactics. You save your community all day long. Be safe.
On the lighter side...One of our two Lts had to resign (we run 1 Captain and 2 Lieutenants per station). I decided to step up and will be an interim Lieutenant until October when we have department elections again (every 2 years) however I will be running for the dept Fire Marshal spot not a station officer.

The Lts mostly handle very aspect of training for our station and the cadets that will be coming to our station. Luckily the other Lt and Capt are my two closest friends so it all should work out well for us all. :rock:
WOW.....You're going to go into a structure that's been burning through the roof and out every window to put it out?.......even when there is no known life hazard involved......your going to commit to an interior attack and put your life and the life of your crew in danger........for what? save a structure that will be razed and removed afterwards.......BDavid please....your rational is ridiculous and extremely dangerous.......I would LOVE to debate fire tactics with any of your Chief Officers....AC...BC...Captains...Lieutenants.....right down to front line FF's......your Risk/Benefit criteria is flawed and if that's how your Chiefs direct you then it's only a matter of time before your luck runs out and something bad happens......Defensive posture is DEFEAT?.....Obviously you're caught up in the old school mentality and it sounds all badass but that kind of attitude is going to get you hurt or killed.....We can agree to disagree on this I'm not here to argue fire attack with you.......I wish you the best brother stay safe out there....


Stay safe my Brother. I agree we run with a old school mentality. How can you know if there is no life hazard inside ? How can you at least try to save life if you wait for the fire to go out from a Defensive posture? The houses you may call vacant are not always.. As I stated some are to far gone and are a defensive posture, most are not......
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What I have a problem ("bothers" me) with is the blanket statement, "defensive posture is DEFEAT". Obviously the scene calls for defensive or offensive but I was always trained to "risk my life a little to save savable property, risk my life a lot to save a savable life and I will not risk my life at all to what is already lost." "defensive posture is DEFEAT" implies that one would brazenly risk it all for anything no matter what. That is just stupid. Perhaps it is just semantics but that blanket statement is difficult to dissect but I know plenty of dumbass firefighters that would risk their life for a house fully involved.

Done debating fire tactics. You save your community all day long. Be safe.

The biggest problem is you dont want to be the Dept that stood outside and " LET IT BURN " to find out a family of squatters or homeless were inside. Congrats on your position and Stay safe .
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The biggest problem is you dont want to be the Dept that stood outside and " LET IT BURN " to find out a family of squatters or homeless were inside. Congrats on your position and Stay safe .

BDavid that's not what Jackal nor I are suggesting.......if there's a life hazard involved we are not in a defensive posture or LIB mind set......we are in fast attack mode and are committed to aggressively extinguishing the fire and locating and removing any occupants who may be inside the structure.......I never said we would go into a defensive posture and let it burn even if there was a known or possible life hazard in the structure......seriously?.....You actually thought that is what I was trying to convey.......give us some credit brother we don't operate like that....

BDavid that's not what Jackal nor I are suggesting.......if there's a life hazard involved we are not in a defensive posture or LIB mind set......we are in fast attack mode and are committed to aggressively extinguishing the fire and locating and removing any occupants who may be inside the structure.......I never said we would go into a defensive posture and let it burn even if there was a known or possible life hazard in the structure......seriously?.....You actually thought that is what I was trying to convey.......give us some credit brother we don't operate like that....


Thank you, Woodrow. Apparently that actually had to be stated. :naw:
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