Fire Extinguisher ... What to buy & What not to buy ...

I was also looking at these today, how do you guys balance easy to access with theft prevention when topless/doorless?
hey WAL'ers...

Just was trying to search through and see what everyone was using for extinguishers (really didn't come across much, perhaps I just suck at searching) just to see what you have had experience with, sizes, mounts, etc... Picts would be awesome, everyone loves looking at picts... ;)

It's something I have been meaning to pick-up since I bought it ... I know you get what you pay for, but I didn't to spend alot on something that has a cheaper comparision or buy some disposable that isn;t going to cut it in am emergency... I roll with the wifey and two baby girls...

So any insight would be great... Thanks in advance...

- Donnie

...heh.....long, long time ago.......on a run in Nevada with my old Cherokee (1991....377k miles on it when I sold it....).....the skid plate under the transfer case was picking up buckwheat flowers (two track roads, not used in awhile, lots of growth between the two tracks). The weeds built up and got too close to the exhaust. Caught fire (while we were stopped, having a beer)..........emptied two (2) 2.5lb ABC's on the fire. Kept going. Finally one of my buddies handed me a squirt-type water bottle. That finally did the trick......

Thanks for the post Donnie!! I hadn't thought about that episode in years:beer:
Not sure if you are talking about this spot or not...

2.5lb Halotron

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any newer JKU's mount in this location? This is where I would like to utilize as well, but i know after looking at it last night there is not as much space as Eddie pointed out earlier... what ever it is, it's got to be pretty skinny...

I saw the Halguard, pricey, but I wonder if they are any skinnier than the others...
Here is my take on fire extinguishers, get the biggest you can fit, or more then one if you want the small ones, and take the time the check them every once in a while. I've had to use an extinguisher on more then one occasion. The only thing worse then using up a fire extinguisher and the fire is still going is not having one. (I've been in both situations)
any newer JKU's mount in this location? This is where I would like to utilize as well, but i know after looking at it last night there is not as much space as Eddie pointed out earlier... what ever it is, it's got to be pretty skinny...

I saw the Halguard, pricey, but I wonder if they are any skinnier than the others...

They make 2.5lb dry chems but they are not gonna have metal control heads most likely. With that said going naked provides easy access for sticky fingers so having a halotron would be pricey to replace thus a cheapo plastic one would be best I guess. Just depends on what is more valuable to you.
My goal is 3, one on the side of each front seat and one on the cage in the back... eventually anyways...

If I could find a 2.5 that had the same diameter of the 1lb smaller ones I would be set...
I went to home depot and picked up a kiddie auto/marine b/c for $20. With no top on the jeep if it gets stolen it's not a big loss. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1437584114.016790.jpg
Where does the 2 door crowd mount them? I really want to order two cause I have gone to long without them. Just need to see some mounting locations and what everyone mounted them with
Where does the 2 door crowd mount them? I really want to order two cause I have gone to long without them. Just need to see some mounting locations and what everyone mounted them with

I have a 2 door Rubi and mounted mine on the underside of the rear roll bar on each side. Had to put them on the underside because it was difficult to take the top down/up without it getting caught on the extinguisher.

I used the plastic wall mount that came with them and used a metal radiator gasket to secure it to the bar. Then used a Velcro strap around the extinguisher and bar. Holds well.
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Where does the 2 door crowd mount them? I really want to order two cause I have gone to long without them. Just need to see some mounting locations and what everyone mounted them with
You can kinda see mine here on the roll bar. I plan on adding 1 to each seat.
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