Favorite Quotes...From Ben Franklin Or Whomever...

"The light the burns twice as bright burns only half as long..." Eldon Tyrell from Bladerunner

While certainly not nearly as inspirational and moving as the majority of the quotes mentioned on this thread, this one crosses my mind every time my wife and I get silly and polish off a 1.5L of shitty red wine. Which is happening with increasing frequency. Plus it involves Bladerunner, so its automatically awesome.
“Government is simply the biggest corporation, with the sole monopoly on violence.”

Elon Musk today speaking on the government's inability to responsibly manage our tax money....
Having worked for the gov for 19 years it's very easy to see why the deficit is what it is. For the small agencies I've worked for were talking millions. I can only imagine what the larger agencies waste, I mean spend.
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