Resident Smartass
How is it noted at the end of the year or next years policy statement? Does it count as a claim I guess is what I’m asking?
I just hate more than anything little bullshit bills like this. I know it’s not separate it’s all included but this death by a thousand cuts bothers the fuck outta me. I’d just rather pay a couple hundred bucks every few years then give them 5 every month. Zero deductible and no claim against the policy and be able to get at least one windshield a year is the only way I can make sense of this. Otherwise I don’t see how it’s worth it.
It’s like $6 every 6 months for me for glass coverage and $100 deductible. I’ve replaced the glass in the two door twice in 7 years. That’s $84 in glass coverage for 7 years (round numbers). So all in two windshields have cost me $284 for factory glass. Tina’s jeep has had two in the last 6 months. They are $385 a piece for aftermarket glass. To me, it’s worth it.
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