Here are a few extra highlight pics that we took along the way.
Shot of Tessa hanging out in Lone Pine...
Another shot of the Visible Man Rock...
Inside the Manzanar museum...
These are what people were forced to lived in...
Signs indicate where row after row of building would have stood...
The latrines were placed so close together that you couldn't sit on one without hitting the person next to you...
Shots of the mess hall...
Scrims give a glimpse of what life here was like...
Making a stop over at the cemetary...
A couple more shots of us descending down into the bowls of the earth...
View looking east across Papoose Flats...
A few little clouds to make our sunset a bit more interesting...
Lighting up the rocks around our camp with just our campfire...
Having some fun with Doug's cool lazer...
A real friendly bird that came down to say goodmorning and visit with us...
Heading down the mountain...
Back down in the Owens Valley and making a stop over at Big Pine to air up - and actually, this is a Sequoia
If you'd like to see all the pics that we took on this trip, simply click on the link below:
Adventures on the 395 Photo Gallery