Exploring the 395 Picture Thread


Staff member
Heading out this weekend again to do some exploring up the 395 and thought it would be fun to try something different and document our journey in real time here on WAYALIFE.com. Needless to say, this thread has been started for you to follow us along, virtually, as we post up pics from our trip. I hope enjoy :)
There are many beautiful areas along 395. Lots offond memories there of childhood camping & hunting/fishing trips.

Will be up there this summer with my old man in the Big Pine area running a lot of the trails we used to run in his old Land Cruiser, except it is his turn to ride shotgun and my turn to drive.
Cool idea! I love looking at pictures and videos when I am stuck in the office or at home.

I was heading south on 395 just now, but had to get off at Mt. Rose Hwy...very tempted to keep going though. :sigh:
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