Evo Tire Carrier Specs

...Highly unlikely but let's assume for the sake of argument. So long as he doesn't resell to the public and makes one for his own personal use whats wrong with that? It would of course be obvious to all that it's not an evo carrier wouldn't it? There's a certain satisfaction that comes from making something yourself... Even if you use someone else's work as a guide....

I could not disagree with you more. If you want to make something yourself, fantastic. If you copy someone else's design then, like I said before, you suck donkey dicks and can fuck right off. If you don't have the ability to dream it up yourself, pay someone else for their ingenuity and hard work.

In any event, it now appears this particular OP did not intend to rip off EVO's design. That said, it also appears from his post history and fondness for many forums that he doesn't have any real intent on being an active member of this forum. So, I guess he doesn't have to suck donkey dicks for the first reason, but he still does for the second. Either way, he's got an Equidae dick in his mouth.
I could not disagree with you more. If you want to make something yourself, fantastic. If you copy someone else's design then, like I said before, you suck donkey dicks and can fuck right off. If you don't have the ability to dream it up yourself, pay someone else for their ingenuity and hard work.

In any event, it now appears this particular OP did not intend to rip off EVO's design. That said, it also appears from his post history and fondness for many forums that he doesn't have any real intent on being an active member of this forum. So, I guess he doesn't have to suck donkey dicks for the first reason, but he still does for the second. Either way, he's got an Equidae dick in his mouth.

Lol, at least you strike me as a stand up guy Sharkey
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