Evo Plush ride coils installed

You may want to contact Evo to see what they suggest for a shock.
Idk if I'd even attempt emailing as my emails always seem to get lost or forgotten. I was in the middle of specing out some coilovers and had some questions and wanted to make sure I got the right setup for my ride height, weight, etc and I just didn't get any more responses. So I didn't pursue their coilovers anymore. After using rock krawler coils Idk if I'd even try their coilovers. So I'm still up in the air about where to go for them now. But sometime next year I'll probably make my move on them one way or another.

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I had already contacted EVO and they said my rig would sit right at 3 in; I'm looking for real live feedback from those who installed these and their net height, thanks for the suggestion and sweet rig!

I've narrowed it down to Bilstein 5160's
Rancho RS9000XL adjustable shocks and Fox 2.0 non res. anyone's advise is appreciated.
I've read a lot of reviews and the rancho s seem to be the best (since they are adjustable). But i only recall one person saying they have the plush rides.(he really liked the ride for a dd) So not sure about the combination.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Got the 4" coils with bilstiens on my rig and everyone says they can't believe how well it rides ESP on the highway

I don't always wheel , but when I do I keep it tight......... Stay dirty my friends.
I've read a lot of reviews and the rancho s seem to be the best (since they are adjustable). But i only recall one person saying they have the plush rides.(he really liked the ride for a dd) So not sure about the combination.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using WAYALIFE mobile app

RIDE QUALITY IS SUBJECTIVE AND DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE. That being said, you will get the best performance out of the EVO MFG Plush Ride Coils when they are paired with the KING 2.0 or the KING 2.5 Res shocks.
I've narrowed it down to Bilstein 5160's
Rancho RS9000XL adjustable shocks and Fox 2.0 non res. anyone's advise is appreciated.

Unless you are planning on doing a lot of hard and fast driving out in the desert, a standard set of 5100's will do the job just fine. The 5160's are the same thing just with the added reservoir. The Fox 2.0's are nice as well but will cost a bit more. I have run both a Rancho RS9000 and still run their new 7000MT and of the two, I would recommend the 7000MT as it's essentially a more affordable 5100.

I've read a lot of reviews and the rancho s seem to be the best (since they are adjustable). But i only recall one person saying they have the plush rides.(he really liked the ride for a dd) So not sure about the combination.

The RS9000's have been around for a long time and are nice being that they are adjustable but, that's kinda of what I don't like about them. Sure, you can get them to feel nice on different terrain but, you have to adjust them to get them to where you want. A more modern monotube shock like their new 7000MT will give you a good ride across the board.

RIDE QUALITY IS SUBJECTIVE AND DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE. That being said, you will get the best performance out of the EVO MFG Plush Ride Coils when they are paired with the KING 2.0 or the KING 2.5 Res shocks.

Agreed. If you can afford them, you definitely get what you pay for with a set of Kings.
would one run the longer 186872 and 186887 bilsteins with 3'' coils? or the shorter 1.5 to 3 inch lift 146708,146715 ones?
would one run the longer 186872 and 186887 bilsteins with 3'' coils? or the shorter 1.5 to 3 inch lift 146708,146715 ones?

they will both actually "work" with the 3" coils on a 4DR. Now with a 2DR, I would go with the longer 3.5-5" shocks.
drew what would you run out back? I am going to hopefully install the rockstars at the rear and right now i still have the shorter bilsteins?

The rears will be fine with the RockStars as they will give you back a bit of travel with the lower shock mount being moved up 1.5".
Unless you are planning on doing a lot of hard and fast driving out in the desert, a standard set of 5100's will do the job just fine. The 5160's are the same thing just with the added reservoir. The Fox 2.0's are nice as well but will cost a bit more. I have run both a Rancho RS9000 and still run their new 7000MT and of the two, I would recommend the 7000MT as it's essentially a more affordable 5100.

The RS9000's have been around for a long time and are nice being that they are adjustable but, that's kinda of what I don't like about them. Sure, you can get them to feel nice on different terrain but, you have to adjust them to get them to where you want. A more modern monotube shock like their new 7000MT will give you a good ride across the board.

Agreed. If you can afford them, you definitely get what you pay for with a set of Kings.

Thank you for your input I'm going to research the 7000MT's and decide from there.

Say I were to run the Kings, is their base level shock sufficient, EVO tuned them to the jku and plush coils I believe.

Thank you guys for all the info.
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