New member
Could you link to his writeup? I couldn't seem to find which one you are refering to.
I think he is referring to this one:
http://wayalife.com/showthread.php?3861-Basic-Do-it-Yourself-Jeep-JK-Wrangler-Front-End-Alignment :thumb:
Could you link to his writeup? I couldn't seem to find which one you are refering to.
Google jk DIY alignment. It should pop up under one of the first results to his project jk site. It's going to be part of his alignment writeup
I did move the steering wheel a lot during the install yes. I don't fully understand though; isn't the coupler supposed to be what adjusts the drag-link if it is off? So what you are saying is that you unbolted the drag-link (on the passenger side knuckle), did you then screw in the drag-link further into that coupler (or out depending on your turning radius)? I thought just turning the coupler would make the necessary adjustment. Could you explain in further detail what your steps were? It would really help me out.
Well when I was installing it I ended up putting the drag link too far into the coupler. (Not sure if this is your problem but I screwed the new drag link all the way into the coupler until it was touching the other end coming from the pitman arm) So I unbolted the knuckle side, turned my wheel where I thought it should be, and unscrewed the drag link from the coupler until it reached the knuckle, then tightened everything back up and I still had plenty of room to turn the coupler to center my steering wheel. The coupler is meant to adjust the steering wheel but it's very fine adjustments. I was off by almost a half turn and didn't have enough thread in the coupler to make that adjustment. That's when I had the idea to unscrew it a little and it worked perfectly. Hope this helps