Evo D ring w/ tire carrier

No D Rings yet but they are on the list. OR-FAB Carrier just imagine the D Rings in your mind ;)

Stopped all rattles. I grabbed a bolt the exact diameter of the Johnny Joint and drilled a hole for the quick release pin and it doesn't move. Also it's funny to watch people look at it and try to figure out how it opens :cheesy:

after looking back a few times, I can't even figure it out lol.
I don't have either one but , the Evo looks to be much heavier duty to me .It would be my first choice out of the ones I have seen here .No offense anyone . I'm sure they are all okay !
Where the Evo mfg d rig mounts are inside of.
The hole that a regular bumper would mount to

I did not trim my rails to be flush with my d-ring mounts. You reuse the bumper bolt holes though so probably not. I would recommend you not anyway unless it's something tiny for departure angle. Just my opinion :-D
I'm still up in the air on trimming mine.

Just asked wayalife and he said, if you want to go with a rear bumper after you trim it would be alright. So I would go ahead and trim, to me it looks better. But then again I don't know how to use those types of tools...
Looks good though!
Just asked wayalife and he said, if you want to go with a rear bumper after you trim it would be alright. So I would go ahead and trim, to me it looks better. But then again I don't know how to use those types of tools...
Looks good though!

I cut mine with an angle grinder. You can cut it with basically anything and it won't effect putting a bumper on if you change your mind. It's just the very end of the frame that gets cut anyway.
I cut mine with an angle grinder. You can cut it with basically anything and it won't effect putting a bumper on if you change your mind. It's just the very end of the frame that gets cut anyway.

That's what I thought, I was looking at how far sunk the brackets were into the frame and it didn't look that far inward.
cut looks better IMO... and I'm prette sure i can install any bumper if i wanted because the bumper uses the holes that the d-ring mount uses and i'm sure that 1/2-3/4 in of frame i cut woulnt affect the install of a bumper but when i cut mine i had to re weld the supportbecause i had to cut the weld to get it flush:beer:
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