Everything Cane Corso

Angry Aussie

New member
Good morning everyone, hope everybody is doing well. So this morning there were a few pictures of some amazing looking Cane Corso's posted up, thanks for sharing guys.

I've been considering getting a Cane for awhile now and will probably be getting one in 12-15 months so I wanted to start a thread and get all the CC owners on here to post up and pictures, stories, likes n dislikes(if there are any) and any other information you would be willing to share with us would be greatly appreciated.

Where did you get yours from?

Breeder or rescue?

How much do they weigh? Or eat in a day?

Favorite Cane story?

Any tips or advice for someone considering a Cane?

Puppy pictures?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated, sure I can research info till I'm Blue in the face but prefer to hear from people with experience with the breed.

Thank you for your time.
My wife and I have 2. My female is 8 yrs old and I have a male puppy.
They are by far the best breed I have owned.

Lots of color options
Extremely loyal
Very protective of home and family
Agile and energetic for such a large dog

Extremely dominant
Require huge amounts of food
Not lazy. Be prepared to spend time with them
People on the street may be intimidated

All in all corsos are awesome. They will need to be socialized extensively as puppies. They need to be with you at all times or they will be miserable. They think they are lap dogs even though they can weigh 150 pounds.

There are many breeders out there. Do you research and ask lots of questions.

My favorite breeder is Serafina Cane Corso. I think Terrie has a spring litter coming up.

Sounds a lot like the Great Dane we have. Eats tons, tries hard to be the alpha, he scares people due to his size, thinks he's a lap dog, eats 12 cups of food a day, so high food intake is something we are used to.

I'm really drawn to their loyalty and protectiveness of family and home. Plus they are so good looking. I can't wait to get one. Luckily I work from home a bunch so I'm around my dogs tons.

Thank you for sharing your experience with them. I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions as we get closer to being ready to get one.
They are awesome dogs. Owned one in the past and he was great. All great points above and description of pros and cons. Socialization is extremely important for any dog but when you're dealing with a dog this powerful it's even more paramount. You can imagine the difference between a nip from an overly dominant poodle and one from a corso.
In my opinion part of maintaining alpha status with a dog is strictly avoiding 'lap dog' behavior which is a sign of dominance and ownership which could get someone hurt with a dog this size. But you probably know that since you own other large dogs.
Lastly where you live is something to consider because unfortunately they scare the hell out of people just sitting there. I.e. If you live in an apartment or a rented house be prepared for problems with your landlord.
They are awesome dogs. Owned one in the past and he was great. All great points above and description of pros and cons. Socialization is extremely important for any dog but when you're dealing with a dog this powerful it's even more paramount. You can imagine the difference between a nip from an overly dominant poodle and one from a corso.
In my opinion part of maintaining alpha status with a dog is strictly avoiding 'lap dog' behavior which is a sign of dominance and ownership which could get someone hurt with a dog this size. But you probably know that since you own other large dogs.
Lastly where you live is something to consider because unfortunately they scare the hell out of people just sitting there. I.e. If you live in an apartment or a rented house be prepared for problems with your landlord.

Thanks man! Luckily I own my own house with a big backyard. Actually the yard was the main reason I bought the house, I had a boxer and a bloodhound when I bought it and wanted to give the dogs a good yard. I am used to people being slightly weary of my dogs, my boxer used to scare people with his size so I'm used to that.

Where do you guys live? I live in Texas for now, how do they handle the heat? The Corso would be inside with us and inside whenever we aren't home in the summer. I have a window unit in my garage I leave running in the summer for the dogs if they are outside when we are gone.
You'll love a corso. Feel free to contact me with any questions

Thanks bro, I know I'll have some questions. Luckily our Great Dane breeder was amazing ,so helpful and patient with me and all my questions. I do my research when it comes to choosing and getting a dog, I usually have a good list of questions to ask people who have experience with the breed. Always gotta make sure my lifestyle will be compatible with a breed and make sure I'm a good fit for a breed over how much I love a certain breed.
Thanks man! Luckily I own my own house with a big backyard. Actually the yard was the main reason I bought the house, I had a boxer and a bloodhound when I bought it and wanted to give the dogs a good yard. I am used to people being slightly weary of my dogs, my boxer used to scare people with his size so I'm used to that.

Where do you guys live? I live in Texas for now, how do they handle the heat? The Corso would be inside with us and inside whenever we aren't home in the summer. I have a window unit in my garage I leave running in the summer for the dogs if they are outside when we are gone.

We live in San Antonio so yeah the heat is brutal for any dog. They're not as bad at handling the heat as my bulldogs but as long as he's mostly an 'inside dog' , which they're great at, he should be fine.
We live in San Antonio so yeah the heat is brutal for any dog. They're not as bad at handling the heat as my bulldogs but as long as he's mostly an 'inside dog' , which they're great at, he should be fine.

Avalanche Cane Corso is who I dealt with. Great family and great championship blood lines.
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