Elevation Challenge: King of the Hill

Just to confirm isn't the idea to keep posting higher elevations with each new post in order to beat out the previous elevation?

Great question. Yes, the King of the Hill is whoever goes highest. However, this thread would get pretty quiet pretty fast if you could only post then so anyone is welcome to post their elevation personal best.
Another Personal Best

Got another personal best last night in Scout: 12,204' while driving Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park

I have no proof of the height other than a webpage stating it. The mountain is called Rudoka e madhe in the Šar (pronounced Shar) Mountains, southern Kosovo. 2658 meters. Not King but still fun as hell.
The other rubi is a 2011 3.8. He had to stop twice going up and then at the top to let the engine cool down. Just met him the week before and I found out later his mechanic had been out of town so he was a few 1000miles overdue an oil change. Also it was like 38 degrees Centigrade that day with thinner air.
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I'll have to get in on this now! More importantly, I didn't even know my nav unit could display altitude. Good to know.
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