Eddie - You're seriously the laughing stock of the community

You always have the same answers. You're actually pointless to talk to. When people have you figured out, you have nothing but the same bullshit lines. You do make cool videos :)

Don't need to name drop. It's the people I wheel with.

This forum will laugh and come to your defense. Little do they know right?

You sound important. Is this the point where I should care? I mean, really, I should sell my Jeep because there is no sense in owning one if you aren't wheeling Johnson Valley with industry badasses, right?
Ok now you're being dumb. You just delete because you know the truth.

Okay, now you're just being dumb. Your posts have just been moved into your own thread. The truth is out there and for everyone to see.

Peace out buddy.

I hope that's a promise :yup:

You're seriously the laughing stock of the community.

Maybe so but at least the community knows who I am.

I would name drop but it would hurt your feelings.

Oh, by all means, please don't refrain from trying to make yourself sound important on my account.

I'll end with tony. Larry. Dave. Gerald. John. Cassie. And I'm done.


Again, I hope that a promise :standing wave:
Actually they said don't go but when I do come here it drives me crazy. I own a forum in another business and I get the same treatment. What I like, they like. I will never not tell someone to not buy someone else's product.

Funny you made a thread. Typical. I'm so not important because of who I wheel with. Wasn't trying to be but you irk me with how you act. You can't act one way in person, same on video, and here and asshole to people to look cool. It's not right no matter what you think.

You bash Currie over dyna. You could just say they are better from your experience. To say they suck is downright dumb. I could go on and on.

And your Johnson comment. No. You could probably wheel there and do the better trails. It just won't make good video.

You know what you guys do. You guys get a kick out of this stuff. Can't say it's bad because I laugh at you a lot too.
Actually they said don't go but when I do come here it drives me crazy. I own a forum in another business and I get the same treatment. What I like, they like. I will never not tell someone to not buy someone else's product.

Funny you made a thread. Typical. I'm so not important because of who I wheel with. Wasn't trying to be but you irk me with how you act. You can't act one way in person, same on video, and here and asshole to people to look cool. It's not right no matter what you think.

You bash Currie over dyna. You could just say they are better from your experience. To say they suck is downright dumb. I could go on and on.

And your Johnson comment. No. You could probably wheel there and do the better trails. It just won't make good video.

You know what you guys do. You guys get a kick out of this stuff. Can't say it's bad because I laugh at you a lot too.

Own Thread.jpg
Actually they said don't go but when I do come here it drives me crazy.

What a surprise, you're still here. :naw:
Maybe next time you should listen to "their" advice. :yup:

I own a forum in another business and I get the same treatment. What I like, they like. I will never not tell someone to not buy someone else's product.

Wow, you're so cool. :daydream:

Funny you made a thread. Typical.

Well, anyone who can name drop like you is clearly important enough to deserve their own thread :yup:

I'm so not important because of who I wheel with.

Of course not. I mean, why would anyone do something as stupid as post up on the internet who they wheel with.

Wasn't trying to be but you irk me with how you act.

Sorry, this isn't an "act" - this is who I am :yup:

You can't act one way in person, same on video, and here and asshole to people to look cool. It's not right no matter what you think.

Anyone who knows me well knows that the guy you see on our videos is the same guy you're hearing from now. The only thing that's not right is you being on here in spite of your clear disdain for my forum.

You bash Currie over dyna. You could just say they are better from your experience. To say they suck is downright dumb. I could go on and on.

Funny, I was just called a Currie fanboy earlier today because I recommend their Johnny Joints over MetalCloak. I could go on and on. Apparently, I'm just downright dumb.

And your Johnson comment. No. You could probably wheel there and do the better trails. It just won't make good video.

Oh no, not me. Only badasses go out to Johnson Valley and tell people on the internet how cool they are for going out there with people who supposedly matter.

You know what you guys do. You guys get a kick out of this stuff. Can't say it's bad because I laugh at you a lot too.

Again, you're the one who came looking for us - not the other way around.
Eddie, just delete the thread. Your quirky comebacks are just the standard when you have writers block. I mean it happens every thread someone hates on you.

In my business I am.

I name dropped for fun. Granted you are brought up a lot. Not by friends but people who stop by. Maybe good or bad. Who knows.

You do act. Lol for you saying you don't. I've been around you a few times and I'm like he's like this?

Not true. Fanboys brotha.

Joints. Not rj 60 etc...

Na I just told the guy to laugh it off. You chimed in.
Eddie, just delete the thread.

How typical, things aren't going the way you were hoping they would and now, you just want it all to go away. :rolleyes2:

Your quirky comebacks are just the standard when you have writers block. I mean it happens every thread someone hates on you.

Just giving back what you're dishing out. :yup:

In my business I am.

Ummm, okay. :thinking:

I name dropped for fun.

Of course you did. I mean, only a loser would name drop to try and make himself sound important ;)

Granted you are brought up a lot. Not by friends but people who stop by. Maybe good or bad. Who knows.

Wow, I'm amazed that a nobody like me gets "brought up a lot" and not even by friends but by people who "stop by" - what ever that means :thinking:

You do act. Lol for you saying you don't. I've been around you a few times and I'm like he's like this?

Clearly, you know me better than myself. And, being that you've said as much on the internet, I'll defer to your expertise when it comes to me. :yup:

Not true. Fanboys brotha.

Joints. Not rj 60 etc...

Na I just told the guy to laugh it off. You chimed in.

Habla Ingles? :thinking:
Things aren't going my way? I expected them to here on your forum? I didn't even say nothing to you. You chimed in with your normal stuff



I'll take being a loser. I would think of it as, if I were you, a lesson. You won't get that but it's a small community and you know it. If you don't want to be short lived I would maybe try something different. No offense ;)

I always hear Wayalife and what they say is right. It's all I was referring to. Not all is wrong here. Just 50%

Nope I said a few times which you were a good guy. On the net you're an asshole.

Originally I told the guy in another thread to laugh it off. You came into the thread. So no, wasn't looking for you.

I respect what you do. I just think in your cult you can only go so far when you actually, if you thought about it, could go further had you not talked bad on 80% of the companies. Not one other guy does this. It could bite you in the ass but you'll have some normal comeback.

All in all I'm done. Never once pointed at you until you did. Sure, I named dropped but that's people you've bothered and said things about with them not doing a damn thing. You may think your little community doesn't affect people and their companies but it does.

You call metal cloak metal joke because of one tie rod. Maybe a bushing here and there. You call Currie axels junk because your buddy that gasses it like crazy snaps a axel. You call Teraflex a joke. You call north ridge one which I like them but see your point in a way. Your community refers someone to a good company and your minions chime in with they suck.

And now you see why companies and people in the industry feel the way we do.

Really done now. Good luck.
Can't we all just get along? For the love of jeep, i mean thats what really matters . Stock new old diffrent, thats what id tell my kids anyways haha. Entertaining though for sure:D
Things aren't going my way? I expected them to here on your forum? I didn't even say nothing to you. You chimed in with your normal stuff



I'll take being a loser. I would think of it as, if I were you, a lesson. You won't get that but it's a small community and you know it. If you don't want to be short lived I would maybe try something different. No offense ;)

I always hear Wayalife and what they say is right. It's all I was referring to. Not all is wrong here. Just 50%

Nope I said a few times which you were a good guy. On the net you're an asshole.

Originally I told the guy in another thread to laugh it off. You came into the thread. So no, wasn't looking for you.

I respect what you do. I just think in your cult you can only go so far when you actually, if you thought about it, could go further had you not talked bad on 80% of the companies. Not one other guy does this. It could bite you in the ass but you'll have some normal comeback.

All in all I'm done. Never once pointed at you until you did. Sure, I named dropped but that's people you've bothered and said things about with them not doing a damn thing. You may think your little community doesn't affect people and their companies but it does.

You call metal cloak metal joke because of one tie rod. Maybe a bushing here and there. You call Currie axels junk because your buddy that gasses it like crazy snaps a axel. You call Teraflex a joke. You call north ridge one which I like them but see your point in a way. Your community refers someone to a good company and your minions chime in with they suck.

And now you see why companies and people in the industry feel the way we do.

Really done now. Good luck.

Things aren't going my way? I expected them to here on your forum?

You're the one who wants this thread deleted :idontknow:

I didn't even say nothing to you.

It's "you didn't even say anything to me". To use "didn't" and "nothing" in the same sentence is a double negative. In other words, to say it like you had would in effect mean that you did mean to say something to me. :yup:

You chimed in with your normal stuff

Imagine that, I posted up on my own forum. :shock:

I'll take being a loser.

Well, at least you can admit to being a loser. :yup:

I would think of it as, if I were you, a lesson. You won't get that but it's a small community and you know it.

Ummm, actually, I think of my forum as my home on the internet and everyone here are guests, including losers like you.

If you don't want to be short lived I would maybe try something different. No offense ;)

Ummm, thanks for the advice but I think you've confused my forum with being some kind of popularity contest. In spite of what you seem to believe, it isn't but your continued presence does help to ensure it will be very long lived. Thank you. :cool:

I always hear Wayalife and what they say is right. It's all I was referring to. Not all is wrong here. Just 50%

It's funny how much you hear about WAYALIFE. Perhaps you should drop a few more names as I've never heard of you.

Nope I said a few times which you were a good guy. On the net you're an asshole.

Funny, you seem to know me but I for the life of me don't know who you are. That being said, all my closest friends seem to think I'm an asshole in person. :crazyeyes:

Originally I told the guy in another thread to laugh it off. You came into the thread. So no, wasn't looking for you.

:cheesy: Oh come on, you can't be that stupid. YOU are the one who came looking for this forum, YOU became a member of it and YOU are the one still participating on it in spite of the fact that you clearly hate it.

I respect what you do. I just think in your cult you can only go so far when you actually, if you thought about it, could go further had you not talked bad on 80% of the companies. Not one other guy does this. It could bite you in the ass but you'll have some normal comeback.

Ummm, thank you for the sermon but honestly, I can't even begin to imagine why you would care. Being that I'm so horrible, a "cult" leader and that what I do will bite in me in the ass, you should be happy that I'll have what's coming to me.

All in all I'm done. Never once pointed at you until you did. Sure, I named dropped but that's people you've bothered and said things about with them not doing a damn thing. You may think your little community doesn't affect people and their companies but it does.

Funny, the only thing I ever do is state my opinion and share my experiences. What a shame that your name dropped friends are "bothered" by it. Of course, being that we're such a "little community", I can't imagine how we can effect anyone let alone your self-important friends.

You call metal cloak metal joke because of one tie rod. Maybe a bushing here and there. You call Currie axels junk because your buddy that gasses it like crazy snaps a axel. You call Teraflex a joke. You call north ridge one which I like them but see your point in a way.

How evil of me to have an opinion and share the things I've seen and experienced on my own website. You would think we're in America or something.

Your community refers someone to a good company and your minions chime in with they suck.

Oh, god forbid anyone has a differing opinion than yours and shares it with others. Again, you would think we're in America or something.

And now you see why companies and people in the industry feel the way we do.

Funny, you make it sound like I should care. :thinking:

Really done now. Good luck.

I somehow doubt it but hey, one can hope. :yup:
You act like Eddie wields some sort of black magic and people can't make up their own minds. I mean seriously dude, why is it that everyone but Eddie is entitled to have an opinion? You are butt hurt over nothing...like you have a hwedgie or something. Kind of reminds me of this guy named Dave that pretends to like Jeeps but would really rather play golf. Hmmm. :thinking:
Things aren't going my way? I expected them to here on your forum? I didn't even say nothing to you. You chimed in with your normal stuff



I'll take being a loser. I would think of it as, if I were you, a lesson. You won't get that but it's a small community and you know it. If you don't want to be short lived I would maybe try something different. No offense ;)

I always hear Wayalife and what they say is right. It's all I was referring to. Not all is wrong here. Just 50%

Nope I said a few times which you were a good guy. On the net you're an asshole.

Originally I told the guy in another thread to laugh it off. You came into the thread. So no, wasn't looking for you.

I respect what you do. I just think in your cult you can only go so far when you actually, if you thought about it, could go further had you not talked bad on 80% of the companies. Not one other guy does this. It could bite you in the ass but you'll have some normal comeback.

All in all I'm done. Never once pointed at you until you did. Sure, I named dropped but that's people you've bothered and said things about with them not doing a damn thing. You may think your little community doesn't affect people and their companies but it does.

You call metal cloak metal joke because of one tie rod. Maybe a bushing here and there. You call Currie axels junk because your buddy that gasses it like crazy snaps a axel. You call Teraflex a joke. You call north ridge one which I like them but see your point in a way. Your community refers someone to a good company and your minions chime in with they suck.

And now you see why companies and people in the industry feel the way we do.

Really done now. Good luck.


If you're such a badass who's so important grow a pair and drop your own name! Otherwise you're just another whiny bitch with no idea
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