Eddie - I'm gonna crush your jeep and your stupid ankle biting dog!

I wish I could too. Unfortunately, no matter how many times I flush them down the toilet, they keep on floating back.... THE EXACT SAME ONES like this loser. If that weren't enough, they then go around on other forums to tell fairytales about how mean and evil I am and incite them to sign up and be a troll here too. And, if that weren't enough, guys like this will pay people to give him my phone number and call me all the time. It sure would be nice to just ignore trolls.

That's just messed up. It's one thing to do it on the Internet but to take it to phone calls, that's harassment and just so extremely sad.

Sent from WAYALIFE mobile app
That's just messed up. It's one thing to do it on the Internet but to take it to phone calls, that's harassment and just so extremely sad.

Sent from WAYALIFE mobile app

Starting bid is $5.00, I'll send you my paypal address at close of auction..,

$5.03 ..........

$5.00 and then $5.03?!?! I will totally outbid you on this one at the last moment! It would save me thousands on mods. I could quit sending my really clueless questions to Eddie via PM. I must have this number.

I can see it now: "Hey Eddie, I have this weird sound when I hit about 65mph. I'm holding the phone out the window. What do you think that is??" ' No not the honking! That's a big rig. The whirring noise. Try and ignore the wind!"

"Hey Eddie, If I fill my D30 with balancing beads will it help my factory DS work with the 3-Link at Rausch Creek?"

"Eddie, yeah it's me AGAIN. Can I get some shot glasses?"

An Offroad Race Car recently pulled into Pit #12 fairly late in the evening on Friday night. The steering wheel felt oddly disconnected to the tires as I worked the wheel back and forth, the first guy to notice a broken front track bar was none other than "Wayalife". Do you think he summoned his minions to 'jump' to fixing the problem while he watched. Nope, he was one of the three guys laying in the dirt turning wrenches and running impact tools to get the race car back on the course (the other two guys were the car's owner/driver and his lead shop mechanic). What was initially to be only a fuel stop turned into a 23 minute repair, thats right, 23 minutes to put 30 gallons of fuel into the race car, and replace an entire front track bar buried behind a ram assist/high steer set up. How many other so called "messiah" Forum Owners are wheeling there own personal rigs into remote pit stops in the middle of the night to help keep an entire Race Team in first place for a car class win? While all these idiots are working on trolling, getting banned and impressing there clique on other forums, Wayalife is actually backing up his words and knowledge with actions gained from real world scenarios that involve the passion of a sport and real friendships that last and grow from the test of extreme circumstances.

Eddie, thank you for being there when the chips were down. Thanks for being a part of the effort that kept me behind the wheel for another 100 miles of racing until the real driver could take over again. The win is as much yours, as it was everyone else's on the Team.
$5.00 and then $5.03?!?! I will totally outbid you on this one at the last moment! It would save me thousands on mods. I could quit sending my really clueless questions to Eddie via PM. I must have this number.

I can see it now: "Hey Eddie, I have this weird sound when I hit about 65mph. I'm holding the phone out the window. What do you think that is??" ' No not the honking! That's a big rig. The whirring noise. Try and ignore the wind!"

"Hey Eddie, If I fill my D30 with balancing beads will it help my factory DS work with the 3-Link at Rausch Creek?"

"Eddie, yeah it's me AGAIN. Can I get some shot glasses?"

Lmao, that's hilarious
An Offroad Race Car recently pulled into Pit #12 fairly late in the evening on Friday night. The steering wheel felt oddly disconnected to the tires as I worked the wheel back and forth, the first guy to notice a broken front track bar was none other than "Wayalife". Do you think he summoned his minions to 'jump' to fixing the problem while he watched. Nope, he was one of the three guys laying in the dirt turning wrenches and running impact tools to get the race car back on the course (the other two guys were the car's owner/driver and his lead shop mechanic). What was initially to be only a fuel stop turned into a 23 minute repair, thats right, 23 minutes to put 30 gallons of fuel into the race car, and replace an entire front track bar buried behind a ram assist/high steer set up. How many other so called "messiah" Forum Owners are wheeling there own personal rigs into remote pit stops in the middle of the night to help keep an entire Race Team in first place for a car class win? While all these idiots are working on trolling, getting banned and impressing there clique on other forums, Wayalife is actually backing up his words and knowledge with actions gained from real world scenarios that involve the passion of a sport and real friendships that last grow and last from the test of extreme circumstances.

Eddie, thank you for being there when the chips were down. Thanks for being a part of the effort that kept me behind the wheel for another 100 miles of racing until the real driver could take over again. The win is as much yours, as it was everyone else's on the Team.

Well said! :clap2:
An Offroad Race Car recently pulled into Pit #12 fairly late in the evening on Friday night. The steering wheel felt oddly disconnected to the tires as I worked the wheel back and forth, the first guy to notice a broken front track bar was none other than "Wayalife". Do you think he summoned his minions to 'jump' to fixing the problem while he watched. Nope, he was one of the three guys laying in the dirt turning wrenches and running impact tools to get the race car back on the course (the other two guys were the car's owner/driver and his lead shop mechanic). What was initially to be only a fuel stop turned into a 23 minute repair, thats right, 23 minutes to put 30 gallons of fuel into the race car, and replace an entire front track bar buried behind a ram assist/high steer set up. How many other so called "messiah" Forum Owners are wheeling there own personal rigs into remote pit stops in the middle of the night to help keep an entire Race Team in first place for a car class win? While all these idiots are working on trolling, getting banned and impressing there clique on other forums, Wayalife is actually backing up his words and knowledge with actions gained from real world scenarios that involve the passion of a sport and real friendships that last and grow from the test of extreme circumstances.

Eddie, thank you for being there when the chips were down. Thanks for being a part of the effort that kept me behind the wheel for another 100 miles of racing until the real driver could take over again. The win is as much yours, as it was everyone else's on the Team.

Agree very well said :thumb:
An Offroad Race Car recently pulled into Pit #12 fairly late in the evening on Friday night. The steering wheel felt oddly disconnected to the tires as I worked the wheel back and forth, the first guy to notice a broken front track bar was none other than "Wayalife". Do you think he summoned his minions to 'jump' to fixing the problem while he watched. Nope, he was one of the three guys laying in the dirt turning wrenches and running impact tools to get the race car back on the course (the other two guys were the car's owner/driver and his lead shop mechanic). What was initially to be only a fuel stop turned into a 23 minute repair, thats right, 23 minutes to put 30 gallons of fuel into the race car, and replace an entire front track bar buried behind a ram assist/high steer set up. How many other so called "messiah" Forum Owners are wheeling there own personal rigs into remote pit stops in the middle of the night to help keep an entire Race Team in first place for a car class win? While all these idiots are working on trolling, getting banned and impressing there clique on other forums, Wayalife is actually backing up his words and knowledge with actions gained from real world scenarios that involve the passion of a sport and real friendships that last and grow from the test of extreme circumstances.

Eddie, thank you for being there when the chips were down. Thanks for being a part of the effort that kept me behind the wheel for another 100 miles of racing until the real driver could take over again. The win is as much yours, as it was everyone else's on the Team.

Just great! Now people are going to think that I actually have a life away from my computer and have real friends. :naw: :crazyeyes: :D

In all seriousness, thank you, I really do appreciate it. I still can't believe you had driven as long as you had, at crazy speeds and on wicked terrain WITH A BROKEN FRONT TRACK BAR!! How you could have thought that you just had a flat tire and be so calm about it is simply nuts!! :crazyeyes:
Good grief. I go on a family vacation and miss all the back stories on these troll threads. Seems like there are 3-4 going at once. Good to know we are all so popular here at WOL. :crazyeyes:

You've done well at brainwashing all of us Eddie. Will I be receiving my next daily injection via brown santa soon? ;) :cheesy:
He must really like his teraflex products..

What's not to like ??..........LMAO

These pictures were just sent to me from a FF friend of mine who while backing out of his driveway, he heard a noise coming from his passenger side rear.........he put his rig in park and walked around to see this:eek:......gotta love the quality parts from TF:thumb:


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What's not to like ??..........LMAO

These pictures were just sent to me from a FF friend of mine who while backing into his driveway heard a noise coming from his passenger side rear.........he put his rig in park and walked around to see this:eek:......gotta love the quality parts from TF:thumb:


:naw: Oh man, I see so many of these but try not to talk about it much anymore due to the fact that the fanboys will come on and troll me for "bashing" their beloved TeraFlex. The sad truth is, I simply cannot make this stuff up and yet, losers like this Matti guy demand that I apologize to TeraFlex for showing proof of how well their products are made. :naw:

Look at that! He's got the fable 3 link suspension! :D

Look at that! He's got the fable 3 link suspension! :D

2014 JKUR

Didn't you hear??? TF is coming out with the new quick release control arm brackets. Your FF friend must part of the R&D group. Looks like it's performing as designed to me.
I have to say this Mattie and others are the reasons I was so misinformed and came to this website with the wrong impressions! I have come to respect many of you on here especially you Eddie for being able to, in some peoples eyes, run your mouth about something then in the next sentence or breath go shoulder deep into the poo and help out. I deeply respect someone who can back up what they say and I have come to see this many a time here and should of seen it before my rant! I should have in hind site disregarded all of the negatives and did my own due diligence. I just hope the good things here are not impacted by ones that wish this site and the people on it harm! You and others on here should not have to put up with this kind of BS especially when you all are so passionate about it and do truly make this hobby a WAYALIFE!!! It is sad that passion can be viewed ass kissing!!! I am truly humbled! Woops now I am ass kissing!:chatterbox:
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