easiest way to drain wind shield fluid?


New member
I want to replace my wind shield clean fluid. but there is still alot of the fluid that came with the car. but its not really effective.

so I bought a new bottle. How to properly drain it?
Disconnect the line at the back and put it in a bucket. Then turn on your key and activate the rear washer until it stops spraying.

You could do that with the front too, but I don't know where the connection point is. Most likely the pump at the bottom of the reservoir has a hose you can pull off.
They make additives you can add to the existing fluid to make it perform better instead of screwing around with emptying the reservoir....
Just use it, it will eventually empty out. If you worry about something as small as how clean the washer fluid makes your really small windshield.... wow
Just use it, it will eventually empty out. If you worry about something as small as how clean the washer fluid makes your really small windshield.... wow

its hard when your travelling for like 4-6hrs and have to go down and clean your windshield everytime.

I'l just pour the new one in I guess.
Get a straw and start sucking.

While that is an option, it might be easier to simply get a length of small diameter tubing (perhaps 3-4 feet), insert one end into the windshield fluid container until it reaches the bottom, then create a siphon by sucking on the tube until it is full, then place that end of the tube below the fluid level of the container. It should then drain out.
While that is an option, it might be easier to simply get a length of small diameter tubing (perhaps 3-4 feet), insert one end into the windshield fluid container until it reaches the bottom, then create a siphon by sucking on the tube until it is full, then place that end of the tube below the fluid level of the container. It should then drain out.

Welcome to WAL.
When I cut the fenders on my wife's xj I sent the sawzall blade right through her reservoir and it worked great to drain it all...
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