Drove Hundreds of Miles without Diff Cover Fill Cap


New member
Hey guys,

I can't believe I did this. I heard a very slight buzzing from the rear at 60 mph, and basically ignored it for several hundred miles. Well, I smelled diff fluid when I got out, and yep, diff cover fill cap was gone and diff fluid spewed everywhere. It's an AEV cover so I have to get a replacement cap expedited. Guess I have to get the cover off and inspect. Hate to imagine how much damage I just did. :banghead::banghead:
While it's not good, I wouldn't be surprised if everything is still ok. I wouldn't freak out till you have evaluated everything. To lose over 1/2 of your oil out the fill plug would be pretty impressive.

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While it's not good, I wouldn't be surprised if everything is still ok. I wouldn't freak out till you have evaluated everything. To lose over 1/2 of your oil out the fill plug would be pretty impressive.

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I'd have to agree especially being that the AEV plug is up on top of the cover. Granted, the hole is much bigger but even still, you should be okay. IF the noise being heard is still present AFTER you clean everything out and reinstall your cover, you might have a pinion or carrier bearing going bad but I'd bet the gears themselves are still fine.
I'd have to agree especially being that the AEV plug is up on top of the cover. Granted, the hole is much bigger but even still, you should be okay. IF the noise being heard is still present AFTER you clean everything out and reinstall your cover, you might have a pinion or carrier bearing going bad but I'd bet the gears themselves are still fine.

Took the cover off, here's a couple pics. Gotta wait for the new fill cap. There was practically no fluid left in the diff. Also no noticeable metal shavings.

If it makes you feel any better - my friend drove about a hundred miles without an oil cap.
You're referring to the bearings in the housing, not the bearings pressed on at the HUB, which is what I've always heard as the wheel bearing, which is where the confusion stemmed from. I understand what you are saying now.
Got the replacement plug on, refilled fluid, and still heating a whirring noise at around 60-65 mph. Goes away when I decelerate. How screwed am I?

Noise that changes with accel or decel is usually related to the gear pattern. So, pull the cover, and look at and feel the gear teeth (ring and pinion). If they're discolored and have metal flaking off or deep scoring, replace them sooner than later. However if there is nothing obviously abnormal, they may still be damaged and causing noise, but that doesn't mean that you can't drive on it for awhile.
I was thinking the same thing, as bearing noise should be consistent. The pics posted don't look horrible, but at this point they might need a thorough cleaning and inspection. Might be a good reason to throw a locker in while your at it [emoji6]

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If it makes you feel any better - my friend drove about a hundred miles without an oil cap.

When my friend and I were first year apprentice mechanics he did the same thing and left the fill plug out (diff was toasted) then he left an engine oil drain plug loose and toasted the engine............he left mechanics and went on to be fire fighter:thinking:
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