Don't Be Like Me!!!!


Have you ever had that moment of clarity after doing something incredibly stupid? Its usually followed with "that's gonna hurt" or preceded by "hold my beer and watch this"

I had one of those moments yesterday. I knew better but a lack of focus cost me. Use this as a friendly safety reminder or use it as an opportunity to call me a dumbass ....because I am.

I was reeling my winch cable in and momentarily lost focus, catching my middle and index fingers between the cable and roller. It crushed both fingers. Luckily it only cost me the tip of my index finger. Middle finger is black and blue but not broken. It was a tough and painful lesson to learn. Let my pain be a reminder for everyone.

Be safe out there!
Have you ever had that moment of clarity after doing something incredibly stupid? Its usually followed with "that's gonna hurt" or preceded by "hold my beer and watch this"

I had one of those moments yesterday. I knew better but a lack of focus cost me. Use this as a friendly safety reminder or use it as an opportunity to call me a dumbass ....because I am.

I was reeling my winch cable in and momentarily lost focus, catching my middle and index fingers between the cable and roller. It crushed both fingers. Luckily it only cost me the tip of my index finger. Middle finger is black and blue but not broken. It was a tough and painful lesson to learn. Let my pain be a reminder for everyone.

Be safe out there!

No pictures? :idontknow:
Yeah, we gotta have pics for this one. Glad you didn't lose your middle finger. I don't know what I'd do without that one.
Damn, I hope you're left handed... That'll certainly be a good reminder!

Hope you get as much functionality back as you can. Hand injuries suck!

Unfortunately right handed but I should be fine.

My dream of being a hand model is over though. 🤣
My dream of being a hand model is over though. 🤣

Haha, yeah I think that ship has sailed. Glad you haven't lost your sense of humor!

Hopefully they gave you something good; when I crushed three of my fingers (though I got to keep mine, so you win) all they gave me was ibuprofen.
Sorry to hear and see that! I lost a small part of the tip of my index finger when serving my machinist apprenticeship 25 years ago. I have the reminder all winter long when the scar tissue cracks and bleeds from the dry weather. Glad you didn’t lose more!
Ouch, that is nasty.
And to your point of doing what you know is going to hurt, I recently moved a pan on the stove and burned my hand. The reason it is bad is that I was reaching for it, I actually cringed and did that intake of air from pain, yet I still hadn't grabbed it. Somehow my hand overcame everything my brain had just told it and grabbed it anyway. Brain was right, it was hot and burned me.

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