Denver, CO Mile High Meetup Thread

Alrighty, rollin up to the chutes, doesn't look so bad.. Trying to stay high on the wall to avoid the huge hole in the middle.

After sliding off the wall, a few back and forths, H8ROADS finally gets through.

...and then be immediately greeted by a super tight right hander.


Bigcale trying the same line, high on the wall.

...and sliding off

Pressing forward immediately shows why we needed to avoid the hole in the first place.

Decided to pull cable to help the front end stay down.


Slimebones tries to stay high on the wall.

:doh: on the plus side, we learned our lesson and piled some rocks in the hole so he pulled through with little drama

but the exit had one more tricky squeeze left for us.
Hey guys, long time!

Life got wild, I decided to step away for a lot of reasons (some of you who know me outside of here already know the reasons).

Lots of things have happened since I saw many of you, to put it shortly; moved, got divorced, moved, met someone, moved again, got married. I've been lurking around quite a bit recently and have an issue that I need some help with from y'all.

My '13 popped up with the dreaded P0522 engine code, judging by what I can find online this isn't a fix that I'm comfortable tackling on my own. Hoping to find some guidance for a reliable shop that's familiar with this issue, we live in Whittier/City Park area, but willing to drive to the right spot!

Oh, and just as a cherry on top me and the Mrs added a rescue pup to our crew late last year.


With everything settling down, once I get this fixed I would love to get back together with the group!

Thanks everyone!
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