Death Valley quickie


Caught the Bug
Hey guys, I'm in Vegas right now, but thought about taking a quick trip to Death Valley (alone) tomorrow early morning to get some nice shots and to check out SOME of the park. I'm just wondering if things like eureka dunes and maybe the racetrack are safe to go to on your own??? Don't want to be SOL stuck in Death Valley alone so any help would be most appreciated. Also, I PMed Eddie, but he may be busy and since I'm in a Little bit of a time crunch I figured I'd ask here.....there is a pic of moby standing on what looks like the racetrack in death valley (dried lake bed) does anyone know where that photo is from? This trip is for photography purposes (although I'd love to make some nice jeep wallpapers for myself) rather than wheeling purposes so no rock-crawling is planned.
Yup, started in colorado, then hit moab for a few days, then to Vegas, so I figured I may check out Death Valley but after looking a bit more, it seems it's pretty far and I only have around 6-7 hours to spend there TOPS. :( I try to take my jeep out west at least twice a year.
Probably good you didn't go. The photo spots in Death Valley are pretty far apart, and the Racetrack is off by itself (several hours over a long washboard road if I remember right). I was there in 2011 for a PODAS photography workshop for 5 days and felt like I needed more time. If you do end up going I would hit one of the dunes since that is your best chance of getting some interesting shots regardless of lighting. Many of the other places are interesting mainly at sunrise / sunset. Since you are coming in from Vegas Zabriskie Point is a good spot to shoot especially in the morning.

The racetrack is cool, but I wouldn't put it top on my list for a 6-7 hour visit, and it really is off by itself and to the West. Unless you camp there you will probably be there in pretty boring light. I don't think driving there in the dark would be much fun. I didn't get much of anything good there because I was trying to avoid the std rock trails. Probably should have tried it anyway...

Here are some images with locations and sunrise or sunset. The first one is from the North end of the valley.








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Beautiful pics. I decided with the little time I have to stay in Vegas. I will make cali my next trip and will do Death Valley properly. :)
Death Valley is cool. We drove thru last summer and found some cool places right off the main rd. Dante's view should not be missed.
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Here are some images with locations and sunrise or sunset. The first one is from the North end of the valley.


Hey Dave. Glad to see you posting on here more lately (at least I think I remember not seeing you on much :thinking:). Regardless, your photos are amazing!
Hey Dave. Glad to see you posting on here more lately (at least I think I remember not seeing you on much :thinking:). Regardless, your photos are amazing!

Thanks! And thanks to the others for your comments about the photos. Yeah you're right; new job with a pant load of travel. I've been somewhere just about every week. Jeep is just rusting as I continue to drive in the salt. :( This year should see some more upgrades - I will revive OSO's thread soon...

Unbelievable pics! Looks like it would be well worth the drive out west

Thank you. So much to see. The problem is making your priority list.

Wow those are amazing photos and now I hate Florida even more

Funny. I live in Ohio but work for a company based in Fort Lauderdale so I am down there maybe twice a month. A lot of people like Florida, which I get, but it is just not my thing either.

I think the best time to go to Death Valley is March-April. You won't get the 100+ weather, and the chance for dramatic weather is greater. Believe it or not it snowed that morning I was shooting at Mesquite Flats.
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