Daughter loves riding in Papa’s Jeep

My girl loved my jeep so much I had to buy her a jeep powerwheel knock off. She LOVES driving her own jeep around the yard now. Good times, enjoy man!
My girl loved my jeep so much I had to buy her a jeep powerwheel knock off. She LOVES driving her own jeep around the yard now. Good times, enjoy man!
We have one that we got her for Christmas. Its still too big for her to reach the pedal. But, it has a remote that I can drive it around. She has a blast with it.
We have one that we got her for Christmas. Its still too big for her to reach the pedal. But, it has a remote that I can drive it around. She has a blast with it.
Sounds exactly like the one I bought my daughter. She's 3 now and can drive herself around with minimal supervision (I keep my finger on the power button for when she gets distracted and starts driving at a tree or rock). She loves taking her stuffy's on drives too. It's pretty adorable.
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