Custom modular JK hardtop

I like white it stands out and really looks like a safari top you don't want to hide all that hard work you want it to stand out and people will notice that it's not a factory top. Nice work!
I like white it stands out and really looks like a safari top you don't want to hide all that hard work you want it to stand out and people will notice that it's not a factory top. Nice work!

The JK is my wife's daily driver and she's ruled out all white.

Having it stand out and people noticing isn't really in our criteria for the color, what matters to us is the extra functionality that the Safari Cab has. In fact if it stands out too much she won't like driving it because then people will always be coming up to her in parking lots asking about it. She really doesn't like driving my Wrangler pickup for that reason.
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Yeah I can totally understand that. Just wanted to say you did an amazing job on the hard top keep up the projects would love to see many more.
Since Heather has ruled out the use of white and the most popular options according to all the people who have given input are cherry sides and a different color roof, I've worked up a few showing what the soft sides and soft barn door would look like. The canvas parts would probably be black to match the factory soft top canvas. In these images I've done all cherry and black roof over cherry with soft sides and soft sides + soft barn door.

Soft barn door with black roof.

I'll definitely be doing the soft barn door as the summer configuration, it's worked out so well on the LJ Safari along with the soft sides on both the highway and the trail that I've got to have it on the JK too.


The LJ Safari on the trail with the soft sides rolled up; half door uppers and soft barn door upper off and stored up inside against the roof; half doors on the rack:

Something I'm thinking about is finishing off the barn door first and running that a while with the factory hardtop while I work on finishing off the other parts of the Safari Cab. Depending on the final color scheme for the hardtop, the barn door could end up being hardtop color, or it could end up being body color, or maybe some other color. Shown below - a factory hardtop with a hardtop color barn door, a body color barn door, and a canvas soft barn door.


The soft barn door would work with the factory hardtop, and be removable just like the one I made for the LJ Safari Cab.
Finished the paint process. Decided to go with Spice, which was a factory color from CJ's through TJ's, and do it in a matte finish. Just waiting on the glass place to cut my window glass and as soon as I get the glass installed it'll be ready to put it in use on the Jeep.





Comparing the actual painted roof to a photo I took during a test fitting when it was still white fiberglass and colorized...


Looks pretty good man. I wouldn't mind having something similar in the factory top where I could pull all the sides off.
Wow. Crazy you did this by yourself. Awesome job. Love the functionality.

Looks pretty good man.


I wouldn't mind having something similar in the factory top where I could pull all the sides off.

I'm just starting a project to turn a factory hardtop into a modular top. It's a pretty straightforward conversion, and I'll be posting a step-by-step set of instructions for anyone who's interested in converting theirs.

Step 1: cut the factory hardtop into pieces :).


Once converted, it will be able to be used with the side panels removed.

Stores easier too...


I'm just starting a project to turn a factory hardtop into a modular top. It's a pretty straightforward conversion, and I'll be posting a step-by-step set of instructions for anyone who's interested in converting theirs.

Step 1: cut the factory hardtop into pieces :).


Once converted, it will be able to be used with the side panels removed.

Stores easier too...


I'll definitely go for this. Can't wait to see how to pull this one off.
This is the type of top I would live to have from my TJ! Did you ever pick a company to sell them?
This is the type of top I would live to have from my TJ! Did you ever pick a company to sell them?

My TJ Safari Cab design was licensed by Gr8Tops and they've had them on the market now for the past couple of years in both LJ and TJ versions.

This is a Gr8Tops TJ Safari Cab:


And a Gr8Tops LJ Safari Cab:


They color match them to your Jeep. They also do a van version:


For the record: I am not a Gr8Tops employee.
That is great, (no pun intended) thank you for the information! This is for sure an outstanding idea, thank you for putting it out there for everyone!
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It's like a merge between a Jeep and a Defender. Looks good.

Thanks. I'm just not a fan of the upside-down bathtub design of the factory TJ/LJ hardtops or the "flattop" design of the factory JK hardtop. I also don't like the factory one-piece design, so I had to design and build my own modular tops to have the functionality and styling I think the Jeep deserves :).
Here's an anim showing the installation of the modular top. When the roof panel is off the Jeep I hang it from the garage door rails so I can just drive under and drop the roof down onto the Jeep. I took these photos just before I started painting the parts.

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