Come See the Mighty FC @ The SOCAL Suds-n-Grub : Thursday, January 24th @ 6:30pm

Sooo jealous...would love to have been able to see the FC in the flesh so to say....
Hope you all have a great time and get an extra drool in on the FC for me please...
Put me down as a maybe. If I'm not out of town working I'd like to see this. Why is the So-Cal Suds-n-Grub not posted in the So-Cal staging area of the jk-forum any more?
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We are in! See you there.

I'll be there - George.

Got it! You two will be added now :thumb:

Put me down as a maybe. If I'm not out of town working I'd like to see this.

Sure, I'll add you now and hope that you can make it out. :beer:

Why is the So-Cal Suds-n-Grub not posted in the So-Cal staging area of the jk-forum any more?

Long story short, we sold JKF about a year ago and we're just moving on. :yup:
I really wish I could make it, but for me it is to far away :-((( and with my Carrera no chance ;-)) I wish you all very, very good time and enough american honey ... and fun!!!!!!!!

Best Greetings from Zurich

Long story short, we sold JKF about a year ago and we're just moving on. :yup:

Oh ok. I assumed you were still affiliated with the site after the sale. Either way keep up the good work. Ill just keep my eye out here for local meets and runs. Thanks for everything!
Oh ok. I assumed you were still affiliated with the site after the sale. Either way keep up the good work. Ill just keep my eye out here for local meets and runs. Thanks for everything!

We were for the past year but now we'll be focusing all our attention here. :yup:
Ok sounds good. Maybe ill have to post my high desert suds n grub thread here next time with your permission of course...:beer:

But of course! Let me know if I can help you out :beer:

I'm going to try to make it!

I'm there....looking forward to it.

I'll be there

Awesome!! I'll get you all added now and will look forward to seeing you all there :thumb:
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