CombatVetJK Saying Goodbye to WAYALIFE... sort of

I vote the only way your forgiven now is to get a donkey and video tape yourself riding naked yelling, " I'm sorry Eddie you're not the ass, I was."

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:thinking:play with huh? now i know what kind of person you are.

You bet and now I know what kind of person you really are.

and you think this forum is all high and mighty and people cant leave because you think this is the only place to gather and talk among fellow jeepers....

:cheesy: Clearly, that's what you've chosen to believe about me.

like i said before idk how to delete my account

So then leave and don't let the door hit you in the ass as you do. Nobody is making you come here and nobody will miss you when you are gone. :yup:

and you wont because you want to toy around on here like its a game to you.

Well, in a way, it is. So long as you keep on coming back, the game continues on :thumb:

all your doing is what i did before and many people have done in there life and make a fool of yourself.

If you say so but, you're the one who keeps on coming back for more - just sayin :crazyeyes:

i know you want to believe your god of jeeps or whatever but i don't care and i think other people don't care either and just wont stand up and say so because they fear they may be banned or loose the "privilege" of using your forum. well i hope you had fun and get off on all the people that will agree with you tonight. have a good night and a nice weekend tty never.:standing wave:

You sure do know a lot about everything don't you. Well, you keep on believing all of it as I'm sure it helps you to sleep better at night. ;)
And just like that...Elvis have left the building.

But, just like Elvis, I have a feeling we'll continue to see sightings of him in the future :rolleyes2:

I vote the only way your forgiven now is to get a donkey and video tape yourself riding naked yelling, " I'm sorry Eddie you're not the ass, I was."

ummm, I'm not sure that's something I wanna see :icon_crazy:
He posted up in a for sale thread...I'm surprised he didn't go ballistic because the OP said shipping would "cost an arm and a leg". That $--t ain't funny. I've seen an arm and a leg once.


Walk away now. Just walk away. You will never top this post....EVER!

This thread and the posts within it are just crazy.

Combatvet, time to go hang out exclusively in one of those many other forums you speak highly of. Not sure why the original comment set you off, but it did. Not sure why you choose to fight a losing fight with Eddie, but you do. No idea why you check out threads and runs, I don't think your welcome here.

But continue to do all these things, then the responses you've been getting should not be a surprised.

Nobody is banned, but time for you to clock out.
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:cheesy:Walk away now. Just walk away. You will never top this post....EVER!

Maybe I'll get said the same thing about my summer abroad post.

Hmmm...seems like combatvet brings out my best comedy. If he goes away, will my mojo follow?

Lets not forget where this all began when combatvetjk showed his delicate sensibilities over a hole in the road being (jokingly) described as a dead body instead. As it spiraled out of control when I decided to make it a bit more personal with some guidance I felt he needed (keeping it between two military members), he amped it up. I then took it of the net and PM'd the guy to express my distaste for his lack of professional character which was not indicative of a true "combat vet". He then decides to air our dirty laundry to forum by posting all the pm's on the open net. The posts then continued to spiral way out of control, in fact there was a time I actually felt like we were as group really starting to just bully the guy. Now, with this latest episode it just proves my character assessment of the kid was spot on; he has no redeeming qualities or personal character traits that are worth acknowledging. Bottom line, this kid is exactly that, a child who has not fully developed enough social skills to interact with adults in any type of forum, let alone this far from complex world of the Internet super wheelers we live in at times. I'm saddened that a fellow member of the armed forces brotherhood is not willing to accept personal responsibility for his actions and words directed towards, what is in reality, is the entire Wayalife forum.

Although he is signed off, his lack of ability to follow through on his words makes it certain he can't help but lurk......and probably daily.
What? Too much? A wise woman once told me, "perversion is better than noversion"

eh, I'm still mentally scared for life :icon_crazy:

Hmmm...seems like combatvet brings out my best comedy. If he goes away, will my mojo follow?

Good! I don't think he's going anywhere and so, your mojo is safe and secure :yup:

Lets not forget where this all began when combatvetjk showed his delicate sensibilities over a hole in the road being (jokingly) described as a dead body instead. As it spiraled out of control when I decided to make it a bit more personal with some guidance I felt he needed (keeping it between two military members), he amped it up. I then took it of the net and PM'd the guy to express my distaste for his lack of professional character which was not indicative of a true "combat vet". He then decides to air our dirty laundry to forum by posting all the pm's on the open net. The posts then continued to spiral way out of control, in fact there was a time I actually felt like we were as group really starting to just bully the guy. Now, with this latest episode it just proves my character assessment of the kid was spot on; he has no redeeming qualities or personal character traits that are worth acknowledging. Bottom line, this kid is exactly that, a child who has not fully developed enough social skills to interact with adults in any type of forum, let alone this far from complex world of the Internet super wheelers we live in at times. I'm saddened that a fellow member of the armed forces brotherhood is not willing to accept personal responsibility for his actions and words directed towards, what is in reality, is the entire Wayalife forum.

Although he is signed off, his lack of ability to follow through on his words makes it certain he can't help but lurk......and probably daily.

What's sad to me is that I had tried talking this by PM and for the life of him, he just could not get himself to apologize for the things he said. If anything, all he could think about was himself and how he truly believed the members of the forum would tear him apart if he did. When he left, I let it go but once I saw that he was back, I had to confront him. I won't lie, I simply have no patience for guys like this.
WOW!!!!! I can't believe I just read this on "this" forum. I personally love to hear everyone's opinion about the products out there. With so many choices how else can we get educated???? Still a great site and keep the knowledge coming:thumb:
....he truly believed the members of the forum would tear him apart if he did. When he left, I let it go but once I saw that he was back, I had to confront him. I won't lie, I simply have no patience for guys like this.

I think the majority of guys here would have definitely given him a fair chance, I know I was willing and like you I probably had the least number of reasons to accept an apology after the cuss festival he chose to lay down on you me and OverlanderJK.

I have no time for children misbehaving, waste of time.
I will start with saying this thread is funny. Also I am a active duty Engineer so kinda pissed the guy acted the way he did we have all seen bad sh*t but thats life. As for who buys what brand LOL thats funny I thought we all just bought what ever company gives us the best deal on parts RITE???

Let me help you out. If you search for Humble Apology on this forum you will see the response you would get for admitting you were wrong and acted a tad bit childish. Just in case you do not here is what a humble apology is.

I have come to ask for forgiveness of my rant the other day. It was childish and completely unacceptable. I was wrong to go on a tirade on a subject, which had nothing to do with the thread. The past couple of days have been tough not being able to respond to posts because I threw a tantrum because as one person stated there was sand in my shorts. I will be the first to step up and say I am wrong and so I am wrong for acting the way I did.

First step to any recovery is admitting you are wrong.

Lets not forget where this all began when combatvetjk showed his delicate sensibilities over a hole in the road being (jokingly) described as a dead body instead. As it spiraled out of control when I decided to make it a bit more personal with some guidance I felt he needed (keeping it between two military members), he amped it up. I then took it of the net and PM'd the guy to express my distaste for his lack of professional character which was not indicative of a true "combat vet". He then decides to air our dirty laundry to forum by posting all the pm's on the open net. The posts then continued to spiral way out of control, in fact there was a time I actually felt like we were as group really starting to just bully the guy. Now, with this latest episode it just proves my character assessment of the kid was spot on; he has no redeeming qualities or personal character traits that are worth acknowledging. Bottom line, this kid is exactly that, a child who has not fully developed enough social skills to interact with adults in any type of forum, let alone this far from complex world of the Internet super wheelers we live in at times. I'm saddened that a fellow member of the armed forces brotherhood is not willing to accept personal responsibility for his actions and words directed towards, what is in reality, is the entire Wayalife forum.

Although he is signed off, his lack of ability to follow through on his words makes it certain he can't help but lurk......and probably daily.

Fuck you you fucking mother fucker!
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