Colorado, cripple creek/Colorado Springs

Old Stage road is open top to bottom. When you get into town hit me up. Born and raised here in Colorado Springs and have a good couple guys I go with all the time we can easily make a quick late notice run happen.

Still up for that late notice run? Our trip is this next week. Looking maybe Monday! Let me know
Sorry, I am leaving out on the 6th to Tucson. Last min work change that I was not expecting. I will be gone the whole month. Hope you guys can hit Eagle Creek and Saran Wrap. It's down off of Old Stage road coming down from Cripple Creak. Good luck and sorry I could not help out.
Hey no problem man. I understand the work last minutes stuff for sure.

Anyone else around the cripple creek area up for a run next week??
There are some easier trails. I wouldn't be afraid of some of the 5's it's just knowing the obstacles. I think I'd be around to help out for a day just won't know until closer to then.

What up! Less then a week away wanting to see if you were still up for wheeling? Was thinking Monday doing trails and also later in the week. Let me know :)
What up! Less then a week away wanting to see if you were still up for wheeling? Was thinking Monday doing trails and also later in the week. Let me know :)

Just saw this. I could be good for Monday. Need to put on my new coils. I'll pm you my info.
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