Cloud pics here.

OoOoOoOoOoOo hanging with an FJ..... That's a no no! Lol seriously great pic! Don't tell but I used to own one in 06....shhhh

Hahaha honestly, they're the comfiest trail riding vehicle of all time, not so great on obstacles. But damn ISFs with icon Coilovers!
Had some nice clouds on the way to work, nice little reflection off the new hood (well, the whole thing is new!)

Water Spout

We get these water spouts frequently. (not really a cloud)

This is an old picture July 15th 2005.

Water Spout 7-15-2005.JPG

Some pics


I shall revive this thread!

Some pictures I took while on Lunch at work! Thought they were kinda cool!

20130303_115105 - Copy.jpg20130303_115105 - Copy.jpg20130303_115107.jpg
I love the weather in the high sierra's this time of year. Completely unpredictable.

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