Because all good things must come to an end, especially with bills to pay, taxes coming up, miscellaneous appointments to tend to and a caucus to do to boot, Cindy and I made our way back home. But, instead of just bee lining it back up to Carson City, we decided to take a long cut through Death Valley if only because we heard there was a lot of water out there. Anyway, here are a few pics from our round about trip.
Being that we got a late start, we were originally going to stop in Shoshone to have some lunch but the Crowbar Saloon was closed for renovation. But, as luck would have it, we ran into Robert and spent a good amount of time talking to him. And yes, I am blinking in this pic but I'm sure most of you wouldn't know the difference
Of course, no long cut would be complete without racking up a few miles or more out on dirt.
Wasn't expecting to see much of a bloom this year but we did come across a few really pretty wildflowers along the way.
And there it is, Lake Manly filled up once again!
Can't make a trip out to Badwater Basin, the lowest point in North America, without spending at least a little time 282 feet below sea level.
Here you can see where sea level would be.
The reflection off the water here is just amazing.
Time to make the trek out to the lake.
Looking across the salt flats on our way out.
Not many years where you can get to see this sight!
So, about that lunch stop - we ultimately made it here. This is The Last Kind Word Saloon in Furnace Creek.
After a very delicious burger and of course, bourbon, we continued our way north. Unfortunately, a lot of the roads and even trails in the area are still closed due to flood damage caused by storms last August.
Fortunately, we were able to still make it out to the Keene Wonder Mine and do a short hike.
And, this is where we would see the sun go down and finish our drive home in the dark. Hope you enjoyed following us along as we had fun celebrating Cindy's birthday!