Cheap or Free Jeep Mods

I also really love the look of the halo lights but it's something I have to wait a little because clear instructions from dealership jeep warranty/maintenance plan will not cover u once you rewire or tap into any wiring. Eishh.
I wonder if anyone has chopped the bumper off along the same line where it steps up a little bit, and then capped it along that line? I think that line goes right inline with the grill. I am not sure if the cap part would fit that big or a hole nicely or not.

I did it before my 1/4 pounder bumper. This is what it looked likeImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1433427685.613774.jpg
My son and I put Plastidip on his wheels. $20 and totally different look. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1433730241.525036.jpg
Before ^^^
After ^^^
Free or Cheap Things You Can Do To Your Jeep

I got to thinking about this yesterday. While many of us are chasing after the next $$$ mod for our jeeps, what are some free or cheap things that can be done? I thought about this after I messed up a wheel stud on my tire carrier, but with some time and a tap/did set, the project only cost me 3 bucks for a new lug nut. This assumes I already have the tap/die tool.

So what are some things that can be done cheap or free? Regarding maintenance, this assumes you already have the fluids/tools/supplies.

A few:

Fender trim.

Tire rotation.

Oil change.

Clean out the air filter.
Remove brake pads and clean and lightly lubricate moving parts. De-glaze pads. Flush brake fluid every two years.
Hook and loop on a stylus and next to the nav system/touch screen
Oh, I will agree with cheap brake fluid flush, if done the way I do using a turkey baster ;)

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My blower resistor pigtail melted together causing blower not to work. Mopar does have a repair kit, but I was able to pry the damaged one apart, clean and reseat the pins and it works again.

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