And you are? Head over to the wave section and introduce yourselfI use a goose neck crowfoot mount for mine. Like this It is very solid and easily re-positioned. Mine is in it's third vehicle.
Jokes aside, the 67 designs site says "unavailable"
where you guys getting them from?
Another Vote for 67 Designs
View attachment 299398
It's stuck to vent? How strong is that magnetic block?
It's stuck to vent? How strong is that magnetic block?
$8 ... works great.
Added it to my cart. It’s up to $12.43.
Ill let it ride for a bit see if it drops back to 8. lol
Haha... I think I pick mine off a shelf somewhere a for 8.. or 12... can’t remember.... I’ll loan ya $4.
Ordered it. I’ll give it a whirl in my work truck.
Can the phone magnet be placed behind a cover? Is it slim enough or does it have to be stuck on the back?