Can't trust Discount Tire for simplest of tasks

UPDATE: after exchanging PMs with Matt, the store manager reached out to me today to personally apologize, clarify what happened, and reimburse me for the trouble. I took the opportunity to impress upon him the importance of getting these things right as well as to ask what their procedure for torquing is. He assured me each lug nut should be torqued 4 times: once by impact wrench to seat them, a 2nd time to torque everything to 65 ft-lbs, a 3rd time in a star pattern by hand to final torque, a 4th time in a circle just to make sure everything is good to go.

He also said that with something like this, they do a full root cause analysis and will be checking their training, torque wrench calibrations, etc.

I agreed to give them another chance and see if they can get it right. You can bet that I'll be checking EVERYTHING after that visit and will report back here with my findings. Probably won't be for a while since I just got them rotated and balanced.

Glad to hear they made a strong attempt to make it right. Hope things go better next time.
UPDATE: after exchanging PMs with Matt, the store manager reached out to me today to personally apologize, clarify what happened, and reimburse me for the trouble. I took the opportunity to impress upon him the importance of getting these things right as well as to ask what their procedure for torquing is. He assured me each lug nut should be torqued 4 times: once by impact wrench to seat them, a 2nd time to torque everything to 65 ft-lbs, a 3rd time in a star pattern by hand to final torque, a 4th time in a circle just to make sure everything is good to go.

He also said that with something like this, they do a full root cause analysis and will be checking their training, torque wrench calibrations, etc.

I agreed to give them another chance and see if they can get it right. You can bet that I'll be checking EVERYTHING after that visit and will report back here with my findings. Probably won't be for a while since I just got them rotated and balanced.

Thank you for the update here, Granite. I'm happy to hear that the store manager reached out to you directly and is taking action by going over installation practices with his crew.

Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to help :thumb:
All that we can ask of anyone is when they screw, they do whatever it takes to make it right. I’m glad they reached out to you and will look inward to prevent this from happening in the future and not just to you but anyone that goes to their shop. This is another great instance where Wayalife can help make a difference for all of us!

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
I've had good luck with all 3 America's Tire locations near me. They balanced my beadlocks and have made calls around to find enough tires to make set, price matched they're online DT direct pricing. I've also watched them torque my wheels in the manner described above. No one is perfect and mistakes will always be made. It's how they are handled which makes or breaks how I will choose to do business again. Glad to hear they reached out to you and trying to make things right.

Sent from my 831C using WAYALIFE mobile app
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