By the way I am an asshole. You have no idea of the asshole I can be.

Yup and a whole bunch of members jumped on the band wagon and raced to the low ground. No where other than this forum would this be a grievous offence. NO where.... even on this forum because not a single Mod stopped it. Tell me I am wrong. Tell me that a woman using the sex appeal to sell is wrong. Tell that millions did not watch the Game of Thrones last night or that cheerleader are all whores, or That the woman on the evening news in a tight outfit is wrong or the girls in commercials are wrong or the models at the auto show at the Jeep displays are wrong. Tell me that this is the only time that using sex to sell appeal to sell a product is wrong. Tell me that the same people on this thread acting the fool, and bulling people are right. That it is ok to do what they members were doing. Just type it here that in your book, acting like they were is okay. Type that it is okay that the Mods allowed them to break the rules, did nothing about and encouraged it.

All these hypocrites and I am the bad guy because I question it. I have not defended the other side at all. Never once have I said the other side was right. The members of Wayalife sure did prove they can be more wrong than the other side. I am only stating that maybe, we a members could be better than what is represented in this thread.

0 fucks given.

Not sorry.

Not taking applicants.

Go fuck yourself.

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Are we still debating on who won the hat?

No... now there is a debate on the manufacturing process of the Hat.

That thread would have ended by now and I would have been $5000 richer from not clicking on all the adds. Instead, I spend 45min on the toilet daily, reading it and causing my legs to fall asleep because I sit on the toilet for so long. Not only that I can’t feel my legs when I get up, today I stood up, my legs gave out and I face planted on the floor busting few teeth out. Did anyone see an add for a dentist here yet?

I have refreshed this thread 1500 times looking for the hat advertisements so I can get a good deal and keep the lights on for Eddie and Cindy. No luck yet, but it will happen.

yep, this is the free shit that's given away.

Holy fuck, these pictures keep coming. To each their own, but for me, it's hard to take someone seriously in regards to SERIOUS recommended Jeep part purchases, when the seller is posting this kind of stuff as well.
This might be a tough pill for you to swallow, but mods are just members who volunteer their time to help keep things around here moving along. Our opinions and statements are just that...ours. Some of us have been volunteering our time doing this for over a decade. We’ve seen it all, heard it all, and are not shocked by anything. Nine times out of ten we can smell the bullshit and trolling coming long before regular members even see what is going on. Overlander’s BS detector is particularly acute...and accurate.

Regardless, those who choose to use sex to sell should not complain when they get treated as sex objects. That is, after all, their goal. Similarly, those who use sex to further their own builds should not purport to provide the “community” with value equivalent to those who provide real information and analysis.

Regarding YOUR perspective on what is or is not vulgar, consider the following. This is a forum for adults, not kids. If the words “fuck” or “whore” offend you that much then I’m sure there are safer places out there for you to frequent. Neither of those words give me heart palpitations.

Yeah and if the Mods were doing their job this thread would be about 7 or 8 pages long.

I did not write the rules. It has been written all through this thread about how important the rules of this site is, but they are not enforced evenly are they? This forum is for adult that were hiding behind keyboards acting like kids. Words don't bother me at all none of this bother me. This is not about me. This is about the hypocrites in this thread. You know the ones that cry about the rules as they break them themselves, and then the Mods act cowardly and don't mod because they lost sight of their role.

I realize that Mods are voluntary and usually they do a great job. I think this is one of the best Jeep forums on the net. Still this thread was poorly managed and I just don't see why it is so difficult to say, hey we kinda fucked this one up lets move on. Instead the Mods have doubled down trying to be strong with me because I point out that this thread if a mess. They don't know this is a business, they don't know the rules, They have allowed bulling and asshattery. Yet will not own up to any of it. I make mistakes, and I own them, because that is what integrity and sound character demand. I have the ability to say sorry, I fucked up. I don't stand strong when I am wrong. I apologize and move on.

I think that if you showed this thread to anyone that is not involved in the Jeeping community, they would be disappointed with what they would read.

I think the Wayalife site is very well run, it just fell short on this thread and the people that failed it don't have the integrity to stand up and own it or they are cowards.

Did I win the hat?
Yeah and if the Mods were doing their job this thread would be about 7 or 8 pages long.

I did not write the rules. It has been written all through this thread about how important the rules of this site is, but they are not enforced evenly are they? This forum is for adult that were hiding behind keyboards acting like kids. Words don't bother me at all none of this bother me. This is not about me. This is about the hypocrites in this thread. You know the ones that cry about the rules as they break them themselves, and then the Mods act cowardly and don't mod because they lost sight of their role.

I realize that Mods are voluntary and usually they do a great job. I think this is one of the best Jeep forums on the net. Still this thread was poorly managed and I just don't see why it is so difficult to say, hey we kinda fucked this one up lets move on. Instead the Mods have doubled down trying to be strong with me because I point out that this thread if a mess. They don't know this is a business, they don't know the rules, They have allowed bulling and asshattery. Yet will not own up to any of it. I make mistakes, and I own them, because that is what integrity and sound character demand. I have the ability to say sorry, I fucked up. I don't stand strong when I am wrong. I apologize and move on.

I think that if you showed this thread to anyone that is not involved in the Jeeping community, they would be disappointed with what they would read.

I think the Wayalife site is very well run, it just fell short on this thread and the people that failed it don't have the integrity to stand up and own it or they are cowards.

Did I win the hat?
Yeah the ass hat

Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
Yeah and if the Mods were doing their job this thread would be about 7 or 8 pages....

The rules apply a bit differently in the Infirmary. If you had long term experience with the forum, you would know that. Regardless, I have not written a single word in this thread that I regret, nor do I regret allowing it to play itself out.

Ultimately, Eddie and Cindy are personal friends of mine outside of the interwebs. If I was having dinner at their house and another guest showed up and smeared shit everywhere, I’d have zero issues telling them to fuck themselves. Same is true if the guest walked in and said: “Hey, why don’t y’all come eat at my house instead?”

Whether you like it or not, I view this forum as an extension of THEIR house and I will always act accordingly.
0 fucks given.

Not sorry.

Not taking applicants.

Go fuck yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app

0 fucks given....If you didn't care, you would not have responded.

Not sorry,
You can be sorry while not being sorry. You are excelling at this.

Not taking applicants
Good thing.

Go fuck yourself
The exact little kid response I expected. Be proud of your response. I am glad that I could pull this kind of response from you.
The rules apply a bit differently in the Infirmary. If you had long term experience with the forum, you would know that. Regardless, I have not written a single word in this thread that I regret, nor do I regret allowing it to play itself out.

Ultimately, Eddie and Cindy are personal friends of mine outside of the interwebs. If I was having dinner at their house and another guest showed up and smeared shit everywhere, I’d have zero issues telling them to fuck themselves. Same is true if the guest walked in and said: “Hey, why don’t y’all come eat at my house instead?”

Whether you like it or not, I view this forum as an extension of THEIR house and I will always act accordingly.

Thank you, you get it. This is not about telling someone to fuck off. The Youtubers should have been told to fuck off. That is well stated in the rules. The rest of this shit storm was just not necessary. All the bulling and shit talking that followed was just stupid. All of the hypocrisy and the hippocrates should have also been told to fuck off. It should have been the same rules for all.
Thank you, you get it. This is not about telling someone to fuck off. The Youtubers should have been told to fuck off. That is well stated in the rules. The rest of this shit storm was just not necessary. All the bulling and shit talking that followed was just stupid. All of the hypocrisy and the hippocrates should have also been told to fuck off. It should have been the same rules for all.

Fuck off

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Michigan is in psycho weather mode. It was warm last week so the top and doors came off and the Jeep. It has since snowed twice. I woke up yesterday to this.



Later in the day it was 50 degrees and should be 60 today. I am tired of the snow and winter weather. I traveled a lot in the southern states this winter, but this winter has just hung on and on.

Bring that sun and weather above 50 degrees.
Did some shooting the other day. Winter was long so not much shooting over the winter. Ran a three gun course a couple times that my bud set up. After that I had some ammo left over so I worked on grouping with a pistol. This is group was shot at 15 yards with my Springfield Trophy Match. I have about 75,000 rounds through this gun over the last 20 years.

Nice, someone has hurt feelings. So you move any post that I make to this thread. Nice coward move. Just creating this thread and taking it out of context was cowardly, but he some Mods are comfortable with taking the low road. Why not Just start a fresh clean thread stating I am an asshole and that as a Mod you will not allow me to post anything in any other thread because you have hurt feeling. This is exactly why you lack integrity and you display behavior of a twelve year old in their parents basement hiding behind the keyboard. Safe space often I see.

I really enjoy the fact that when you moved my post to other threads here that you did not have the courage to put your name on it.
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