BULLSHIT Awareness - Help Me Build Up a Jeep & Fight this Debilitating Disease

Wow and all this time I heard that Eddy "Way of the life" doesn't give a single fuck about BULLSHIT. I'm glad they were wrong, what with all I heard on the "other forums."

Do you accept bitcoin?

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You made my day, Eddie! Absolutely love it! Maybe this will be understood by the twits who like to start shit, since they cannot seem to understand the rules in plain English.
I'm so glad this unprecedented problem is being brought to light with your build!!!! Bullshit has ruined so many lives through out the world!! I will be willing to give half my income and what ever my house sells for. I just put it up for sale now in regard to your fight to spread awareness to bullshit!!!!:cheesy:
I can't believe so many of you are making light such a serious problem! For shame!! After all I've been full of BULLSHIT for years. It's a very serious issue.

To support the cause I will be sending the rig I already built to bring awareness to BULLSHIT. Everyone I'm around is now more than aware how full of BULLSHIT I am, so I have no further need for it.

I'll send it over in my jet that supports DOUCHEBAG awareness.
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thank you for using your forum as a platform for airing out your issues, just so everyone know I will be stopping by the bank today to I too can support this amazing cause 😂😉🤔.. BTW im really looking fwd to seeing that supercharged turbo jeep, I'll keep an out for a mini series of the build!!

Thank you for your support. Nothing will help cure BULLSHIT the way raising awareness for it can :thumb:

Seems like a worthwhile cause!

Thank you :yup:

I'm happy to contribute to your BULLSHIT, but I have a request that you send my a participation trophy. I'm really into those! Thank You - The check is in the mail!

I sincerely appreciate your support. For sure, a participation trophy will be included with your gold plated horse shit :thumb:

BULLSHIT is real, and it's every where. Sometimes it can go almost undetected, but in severe cases it can be so bad that the BULLSHIT will literally fall out as soon as the inflicted try to speak. Unfortunately the symptoms are really hard to treat, and won't typically get any better.
This is why I'm so glad to see Eddie bringing this to the forefront, and fighting so hard to bring awareness to this condition.
In addition to sending you everything I own, and all my financial info, I will make the ultimate sacrifice and send you my jeep to do with as you see fit to bring awareness to this disease.
But, I will need a good photo, and a BULLSHIT awareness ribbon decal to put on my... aww crap, I already sent you my jeep...

Spoken like someone who truly understands BULLSHIT and how it effects so many people today. Thank you for your support :cool:
The greatest donation wins a trophy

View attachment 236155

Whoa, I just sent these out today. I'm glad to see you were able to get yours so quickly :thumb:

Wow and all this time I heard that Eddy "Way of the life" doesn't give a single fuck about BULLSHIT. I'm glad they were wrong, what with all I heard on the "other forums."

Do you accept bitcoin?

Sorry, I only accept shitcoin. You can get it by the bucket full over on those "other forums".

I've got some oceanfront property for sale in Utah. I'm happy to buy you what ever you want for your build when it sells!

WOW, that is truly generous of you. Your support will do wonders to help raise awareness for BULLSHIT and knowing is half the battle :thumb:

Awareness is everything. You're doing god's work Eddie.

Raising awareness for BULLSHIT is truly a calling from god.

I'm so glad this unprecedented problem is being brought to light with your build!!!! Bullshit has ruined so many lives through out the world!! I will be willing to give half my income and what ever my house sells for. I just put it up for sale now in regard to your fight to spread awareness to bullshit!!!!:cheesy:

BULLSHIT is indeed an unprecedented problem and one that too many in this world take lightly. My build will for sure raise awareness of BULLSHIT and your contributions will help make it possible. Thank you.

I can't believe so many of you are making light such a serious problem! For shame!! After all I've been full of BULLSHIT for years. It's a very serious issue.

To support the cause I will be sending the rig I already built to bring awareness to BULLSHIT. Everyone I'm around is now more than aware how full of BULLSHIT I am, so I have no further need for it.

I'll send it over in my jet that supports DOUCHEBAG awareness.

You truly are an amazing person! It's just so great to hear you're raising awareness of DOUCHEBAGS - god bless your soul :thumb:
Well I will surely donate to this effort. Bringing awareness to BULLSHIT goes so much further than funding the research to find a cure. Thank you for your efforts in such a worthy cause.

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This is remarkable! I have already sent my life savings, my parents life savings, and the life saving from everyone I have personally swindled by false claims of bringing awareness to made up causes! I am also including the yugo engines i have in the barn!

I also would like everyone to know that I, Justin D Krwlr want absolutely no recognition for this! I only want others to know that this is totally anonymous! No (small) trophy is needed or even wanted.

Thank you for this amazing once in a lifetime opportunity!

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I'm sorry when did BULLSHIT become a sponsor of the forum and what parts did they give to you for free? :idontknow:
Unfortunately I'm unable to contribute right now due to all my BULLSHIT but in order to help I've started a go fund me account for BULLSHIT awareness and have shared it on my newsfeed. I hope it helps. [emoji106]

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I actually suffer from BULLSHIT and it's people like you guys who give it the bad name that it gets.......
Hey guys, I'm totally lacking any bullshit in my life. Yup, completely bullshit-free!! I've been able to divert all of and any bullshit straight into my jeep. So, I'm gonna help Eddie out and send him my bullshit jeep, built entirely out of bullshit donations, sponsored completely by bullshit, and its even powered by a direct bullshit injection engine with a harmonic bullshit blow-off kanuter valve exhaust set-up, with headers!!! I really hope Eddie likes it!!! Please send my trophy to my moms house cause that's were I'm staying till I get back on my feet after this bullshit build I'm working on. Thanks!
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